Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008

Losing Weight and Gaining Muscle

How do I lose weight? This is a question that I am asked almost daily and I would love to sit and chat with every single person who wants to know. So, I have put aside some time to talk with you about the subject. The factors involved in a successful weight loss program are energy input (calories), energy output (exercise), and mental readiness.

Let’s talk mental readiness. What does that mean exactly? Mental readiness is coming to an acceptance of needing a change in your life. Sometimes this comes with a wake-up call from a doctor telling you that your cholesterol, triglycerides, or blood pressure is too high. Another may be your physician plain and simply stating that your weight is a factor for these issues or others and could lead to a diabetic or heart condition. Many times it comes from our inner selves reaching a point of not liking who we see in the mirror and desiring to change. It is in that moment that true willingness to commit to eating healthy and exercising regularly can be achieved.

Moving on to how to start a weight loss program. First, are you going to try this on your own or seek the assistance of a personal fitness trainer/counselor? It is very important either way to educate yourself. Purchase a few books that catch your interest….shy away from trends or fads…..stick to the realistic approaches on this subject. This means thumbing through a few books that embrace eating nutritious foods throughout the day and regular exercise. As much as you want things to change in an instant, your program must be designed and carried out in a healthy manner. Losing weight and incorporating a new active lifestyle happens one day at a time. Days turn into weeks and before you know it, you are on your way to losing your first 10 lbs. Another avenue you may consider is to seek the help of a personal trainer/nutrition counselor. The knowledge of a qualified personal trainer can really push you in the right direction, educate you on nutrition, exercise, and motivate you through the first few months. A qualified personal trainer will have a degree in the field, international certifications, medical training, and if an independent contractor, will be licensed and insured. Always interview at least 3 trainers before deciding on the one you will be investing your time and money. Do not be afraid to ask questions regarding the trainer’s qualifications, years of training, continuing education, client success stories and if you could speak to past clients.

Let’s begin the journey of successful weight loss. It is important to know where you are and plan realistic goals. In order to discover where you are, an assessment of your body composition (lean to fat ratio), measurements, and aerobic fitness needs to be administered and recorded. This will give you starting numbers to work with, and a re-evaluation conducted in 12 weeks should show an improvement in all areas. Any qualified personal fitness trainer should be able to do this for you. Always have the same trainer re-assess you for accuracy since not all trainers use the same assessment protocols. In addition, a personal fitness trainer or nutritional counselor should be able to review your current eating habits, calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate: calories burned throughout the day when not exercising), and be able to educate you on healthy food intake, how often to eat, and what to eat.

Let’s look at the steps. First, when applying physical changes to your life, always consult with your physician before you begin. Once you receive the green light, educate yourself by reading and/or hiring a personal fitness trainer. Schedule an appointment to have an assessment completed that includes head-to-toe measurements, body-fat composition, resting heart rate, and recovery heart rate. In addition, educate yourself on healthy eating through books, or again schedule an appointment with a personal fitness trainer or nutritional counselor who will review your current eating habits, calculate your BMR and activity calories, and through information gained be able to inform you on how many calories to intake, what the calories should consist of, and when to eat them.

The information gained from your appointments: measurements, body composition, resting heart rate, recovery heart rate, BMR and calories to intake, should leave you with a positive feeling that you have all that you need to start your program and be successful.

A few ideas that should be shared with you are to start keeping a journal of your food intake and daily exercise. Your nutrition should contain at least 50% complex carbohydrate intake since it is our number one fuel source, moving to approximately 40% protein, and 10% fat. The percentage values will vary for each person and the goals trying to be achieved. Examples of good carbohydrates are whole grains, vegetables, and fruit. Excellent protein sources are lean meats such as boneless/skinless chicken or turkey breast, albacore tuna, egg whites, and whey powder. Include essential fats through flaxseed oils, nuts, natural omega 3s in fish such as salmon, and olive oil. Also, normal hunger occurs every 3 hours so do not allow yourself to feel hungry and eat every 2 ½ hours. This will boost the metabolism and keep the calories burning throughout the day. If you think for a second that your body does not know you are holding back….think again. In order to fuel an engine, you have to tank it up or put wood on the fire to fuel the furnace…..otherwise….shutdown. Without adequate calories, the body will store in reserve what it thinks it needs for fuel…..the number 2 energy source…FAT.

Your fitness program should be progressive…..start slowly and increase the intensity as you go along. Expect Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) when beginning a new program. This is your body’s way of letting you know that you did something different with your muscles….and that is a good thing! The soreness should not be debilitating, but definitely let you know that you exercised. With each workout, the DOMS will still be evident, but not overwhelming. You come to accept and even invite that you challenged yourself. It is suggested that cardio be implemented at least 4 times per week in your training zone, with weight resistance training at least 2 times per week. Also, you should be able to complete your workout within 60 minutes. Think about that…..60 minutes out of your 12 hour day…that is very doable. This is where the wonderful calendar comes in…pick your days and times for your workout and keep your appointment!

Lastly, the combination of healthy food intake and regular physical activity should allow you to reach your fitness goals. Give yourself time to reach them…do not become overwhelmed of how far in the future it may seem. Even if it takes one year….how long have you lived as you are? A year will go by quickly, 6 months like a flash and 12 weeks in an instant. Also, challenge yourself to drink at least 2 quarts of water daily with your new program. Your system will love the flush and your skin will probably look the best it has ever been. Once you have adapted to 2 quarts per day, move to 3, and graduate to a gallon. It is important to allow a rest or recovery day per week. Exercise good nutrition and water intake during your non-workout day. Remember to allow for an 8 hour sleep cycle each night for your overall health and especially muscle recovery.

I want to really break down this program to basic form:

1. Make a commitment to yourself to start a new healthy lifestyle and go for it!

2. Seek the assistance of a personal fitness trainer or if a truly disciplined person, educate yourself through reading materials.

3. Have an assessment completed and BMR/activity calories calculated.

4. Eat 5-6 small meals a day using your BMR calculations to determine how many calories to eat daily and per meal calories that include complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and fat.

5. Drink plenty of water…start with 2 quarts and increase as your body adapts.

6. Implement aerobic fitness (cardio) in your training zone at least 4 times per week.

7. Implement progressive weight resistance training at least 2 times per week.

8. Allow a Recovery Day or non-workout day.

9. Plan to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

10. Journal, Journal, Journal.

I enjoyed writing this article for you and I hope it answers most of your questions regarding weight loss while gaining muscle, how to implement a healthy nutrition and exercise program, and the motivational tools to start. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Take care and Stay Healthy!


Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

New Christmas Healthy Pancake

Hi Readers!!!!

This morning I was playing around in the kitchen trying to make my fav protein oat pancakes and eggs...yikes. I spyed a carton of light egg nog that I enjoyed the other evening while decorating my tree, and said what the heck....well...the egg nog substitute worked like a charm and the pancakes were fluffy, and tasted wonderful. The fun part about eating healthy is just that....eating....THE GOOD STUFF....and this is now my top holiday Good Stuff Pancake....

Holiday Healthy Egg Nog Pancakes

Makes 2 very large pancakes (2 servings)

1 cup rolled oats blended to flour consistency
2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder (usually 25g per scoop)
1 tblsp wheat germ
1 tblsp flax meal
2 tsps baking powder
Light egg nog (enough to make pouring consistency)

pour mixture onto prepared griddle and let cook until bubbles form. Turn over and cook through. Should be not overcook them or they may be dry.

I enjoy mine with honey, but also fav toppings are fat free sugar free maple syrup, and fruit only apple butter.

I eat one and save one for the next morning or another snack meal. this beautiful holiday cake consists complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and healthy fats all to fuel a fabulous body.....

Happy Holidays

Stay Healthy

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

Illness is Humbling

Hi Readers

The trainer has been DOWN, hit by a sinus infection, which NEEDED to be treated with antibiotics. I am on my last day of the meds and FIRST day attempting a work out….very modified. I have never experienced anything like the symptoms of a sinus infection….so I sympathize with everyone one of you who has had one or has one. Symptoms are SEVERE headache, inability to breathe, sleep, eat, and fever….and the list continues. Also, it takes awhile to get over….I am on seven days and still talk with a nasal accent….lol. I rarely get sick, so this is quite the humbling experience for me, and no I am not some super human immune to illness… this leads of course to what I have to say about fitness and illness.

First, listen to your body….I am a firm believer in this. If it hurts (I mean really hurts….not “this is hard hurts”), DO NOT DO IT. If you are ill with fever, vomiting, inability to breathe, and just can not get your ass out of bed, then stay there. The body is a wonderful machine and will direct you to eat, sleep, and yes, eliminate waste. Also, listening to your body also means knowing when to see the doctor because not all illnesses will go away without some assistance. It is better to heir on the side of caution…if it diagnosed as a virus…then it has to run its ugly course, but an infection NEEDS attention. Am I saying run to the doctor over every sniffle….NO. Even I see the doctor only on rare occasions, this happening to be one of them. However, if you just do not feel right, are feverish, and are not performing at what feels like YOU, then you may want to get it checked out.

Second, the workout during illness…..again a listen to your body thing. If you are so sick that you are unable to get out of bed and feel good….you have no business in the gym or working out at all. You are slowing down the process of your body building those awesome antibodies that are working to get rid of what is attacking it. Think of it as a recovery process when you workout a body part. Let’s say you completed an awesome back routine and the next day, you are feeling the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Well what created that feeling is micro tears to the muscle tissue being broke down during your workout, and your body is responding to build it back up…..hence building beautiful muscle. Would you turn around and work it again during this process…..I HOPE NOT. Think of antibodies building in your body the same way while you are ill to keep you from getting that same strain of illness. Pretty awesome stuff!!! On the other hand, if you are feeling not quite yourself…we have all been there….but can handle something light, then go for it. During this process, I can not stress enough, FLUIDS and spice it up with some lemon slices to help detoxify that body.

Third, for the die hard “I HAVE TO BE IN THE GYM EVERY DAY” exercisers….CHILL OUT!!! Sorry to be so blunt.....but studies have shown that you have to not work out for at least 2 weeks for deconditioning to begin. So, NO….your butt is not going to get big in five days…so stop getting out of bed and looking in the mirror or feeling it because in your mind it has happened, and NO….your muscles are not going to shrivel down and be unnoticeable, and YES… will get better and be back at it soon. If you play with your bodies natural defenses to help you….BEWARE of the consequences of RELAPSE. Relapse of an illness can occur by ignoring your need to rest and get well. Relapse of an illness is 10 times WORSE than the original bug….it is better to be down for a few days than several weeks….do you agree?

Fourth, I know I covered this, but FLUIDS…..lots, and when you eat, this is the time you want to pay attention to the good stuff going down. Of course, chicken soup is a MUST, at least for me, when you are ill….and sometimes is the only tolerable thing your body can take. Remember, the salt in the broth will require you to drink more fluids. Foods that have worked for me during illness are of course chicken broth with a whole grain tortilla to dip in the broth. Hot oatmeal with flax meal and wheat germ mixed in it, and the tried and true plain cracker. I can not emphasize enough the fluids during illness especially on medications because what do they do….DRY US OUT….what does that mean…CONSTIPATION…yes I can say that….it is all about fitness and wellness. Please handle that…

Fifth, I am a say it like it is trainer….love ya…and would be negligent in helping you if I was not. So, I hope this read was helpful and truly if you are sick…IT IS OK TO TAKE A BREAK!!!

Stay Healthy!!!!


Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Time and Fitness

Hi readers

Like most of you with jobs, family, relationships, etc., juggling time can be a challenge. Let me give you the secret that really isn’t a secret of time management….BUY A CALENDAR. In the busyness of our daily lives, we get little rest, drink caffeine to get going, maybe some wine at night to unwind, utilize the wonderful waves of the micro, eat too little, or too much. How to get off this roller coaster ride….slow down and enjoy the ride. Make your time of stress relief a priority. Get out that PEN and carve your appointment for your workout, a walk with friends or your dog, a time to meditate, read a good book, and JUST SPEND TIME BEING. Wow…what a concept. Do not let “Life Happen to You While Busy Making Other Plans”. Time goes too quickly to not enjoy what is right in front of you and you want to be in the best health possible to relish in each day.

My Personal share sample….as I juggle working with fabulous clients, paying bills, making calls, answering emails, and writing my blog, I take time to get in that hour workout. Not being a creature of habit, I utilize for example, my step for a fun 30 minute routine, and set up my universal bar with 50lbs and complete a kick-butt leg circuit for 3 cycles. Then realizing my 2 ½ hour time is nearing for my next fueling, off I go to check out my refrigerator….after a workout I usually grab my fresh fruit, throw in my blender with a bit of protein powder, water and ice….hits the spot!!!!

Stay Healthy!


Jumat, 28 November 2008

Follow Up Fitness, Motivation, and Sharing

Hi readers

Are you becoming motivated????? What are you doing for that nutrition and exercise program…..Changes being implemented…..even baby changes. Today is the day after Thanksgiving and the pumpkin pie was wonderful…. How did you do over Thanksgiving? Did you read my last blog on “Eating for the Holidays”? Christmas is just around the corner and filled with wonderful temptations like cookies, fudge, candy, and let’s not forget that Christmas cheer…alcohol. Before you dive into December, re-read my November 17th blog and glean motivation to enjoy the holidays healthfully. The votes are in and my next article will be on “How to Gain Muscle”. I love this topic and look forward to addressing it.

Jumping into my morning…..I wanted to share my breakfast creation….leftover mashed potatoes, egg whites, pepper and spices. In a skillet, I heated up the potatoes making them a bit crispy and added the whisked egg whites. Added a bit of pepper and a pinch of salt. I also had some High Five Fiber bread……and Yummmmm…..protein, carbs, fiber….the works and perfect for my mid morning run!!!! I will probably hit a bit of weights before enjoying a fab protein shake. I am in a stage in my life where I utilize my time and exercise efficiently…..but there is always TIME….whether 20 minutes or one hour….I am a NO EXCUSES trainer and exercise ME time person. So…..if you hit me up with the NO TIME thing….I will definitely give you suggestions but simply refuse to accept that…..I think if you are honest with yourself, you would also come to the same conclusion….but sometimes it does take someone to kick you in the mental and physical bootie to get you going.

For those running on FITNESS STALE or BURN OUT and do not DO IT because the motivation is well…..burned out….

It is important to remember the stages of your fitness program and when it has become stale….now is the time to step it up. Also, if you have been performing the same routine for months or even years….guess what…time for a change. The body is very adaptable to routine and to ensure muscle confusion, changing up your exercise program will not only fire up the muscle fibers, but also bring a new mental outlook to your routine. Every one likes something brand new….right? Or another good line…. “Variety is the Spice of Life.” So spice up that routine that may have you in a non-motivational rut by trying weight resistance training, plyometrics, circuit training, or a boot camp workout just to list a few.

Stay healthy!


Senin, 17 November 2008

Be a Smart and Healthy Eater During the Holidays

Hey Readers

The holidays should not mean putting your good nutrition program on holiday as well. I have prepared some tips to help you stay focused and allowing for a little moderation. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and remember to continue your exercise programs while enjoying the festivities.

How to Be a Smart and Healthy Eater during the Holidays
By Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT,

Have you heard of the book called the “Food Snob”? It is a fantastic book that tells you how to enjoy a splurge. I have to agree. Do not waste your time on calories that just are not worth it. What do you really desire to eat at that party? Scan the table…avoid the blasé foods like crackers and chips. Try a sample of the host’s signature dish or fabulous hors d’oeuvre. If you sample something that tastes ….well ….crappy ….. Discreetly ditch the item and try again. Once you have found that perfect splurge sample, savor every bite and put the fork down.

Grab a plate. Do not be one of those eaters who stands over the food items dipping and grazing. You have no control here. Putting your food items on a plate allows you to have control of your portions. Also, pick up a SMALL plate. This will reduce or at least ensure that the portions are proper size.

Head for the veggie tray. Place plenty of the GOOD stuff like fresh veggies and fruits on your plate and leave little room for the high calorie items like sweets and cheeses being served at the event.

Enjoy great conversation while sipping on lemon water. This also keeps you from talking with your mouth full of food….pretty gross as well.

Reduce your options. Variety is the spice of life except when it comes to food at parties. Variety food options at parties tend to be an open door for over eating. Instead of feeling as if you have to sample every type of mini sandwich, select one type. You will grow tired of that flavor more quickly but feel satisfied and on lower calories….YEAH!

EAT SLOWLY! This can not be emphasized enough. It takes 20 minutes for your body to register that you are full. If you are surrounded by speed eaters, make sure you have that glass of water nearby to sip often, as you enjoy eating at a slow pace.

DRINK SMART! Alcohol calories add up quickly and tend to weaken your resistance when it comes to eating. Studies have shown that drinking and eating portion sizes that are too large go hand in hand. Be a slender drinker and select a slender glass for your beverage. Head for a small glass of champagne or wine over the hard stuff. Also, wine and champagne encourage sipping, are less in calorie than mixed holiday punches and those hard mixed drinks.

If you slip, do not slide the rest of the way down. If you eat 3 helpings of stuffing, half slice of chocolate Christmas cake, DO NOT tell yourself….I BLEW IT SO I MIGHT AS WELL FINISH OFF ANOTHER PIECE OF CAKE. Think about the night….did you come to the party starving? Did you stand by the food table all night because you did not know that many people? If you are attending a function where you do not know very many people, make sure you eat a small, healthy meal before leaving for the party. Once you arrive at the party, stay away from the Danger Zone (that damn buffet table), meet a great new friend and have fun conversation.

I hope these tips are helpful for you as you get ready to PARTY! My favorite splurges during the holidays are pumpkin pie and apple dumplings. I will pass up mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and any other high fat, grease/butter laden food item so that my splurge calories are saved for the pie!

Stay healthy!

Sabtu, 15 November 2008


Hi Readers.......

I wanted to supply simple instructions for you to subscribe to my blog and be kept up to date when I post articles, comments, or answer questions for you. Whether you have a PC or MAC, these instructions will allow you to follow the blog.

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Another Last but not least........please utilize this site by clicking on the comment link appearing with each article, and leave your thoughts, suggestions, questions, that I can get back to you with information to assist you with your journey to getting healthy!!!!

Stay Healthy


Minggu, 09 November 2008

The BEST Motivation for a Successful Fitness Program

I was reading an article in MORE magazine and came across a small piece on what motivates you to exercise. The reason I bring up the piece, is that I agree highly with the content. According to MORE, the top reasons women over 40 exercise are to lose weight and protect their health.

Well........does that sound like FUN.....does that say......I want to do this because it is fun......or does this say that it is something I HAVE TO taking a mouthful of bitter medicine. I think the about you.

The lesser percentage of women surveyed stated that they exercised to improve their mood and reduce stress.....NOW....that sounds FABULOUS.....and you know what. The women who exercised for this reason remained true to their programs and exercised 30% more than those seeking to lose the weight and protect their health. might think that losing weight would be motivational.....but let's say that you do not see the results you are looking for, and the I do not like myself, or I am not good enough feelings overwhelm you....then what....FRUSTRATION.....and then....GIVE UP. Let's chew up and spit out that animal and think about your fitness program differently.......

So.....take a minute to think about the immediate benefits of exercise....and focus on how you feel after you have finished exercising.... Positive endorphines (happy hormones) are released during exercise creating a positive mood and reducing stress. Being able to flow through your day more at ease and "feeling good" "feeling accomplished" "feeling on top of the world" are feelings that you will want to repeat again, and again, and again......and the long term benefit will be an improvement in the quality of your life and health.....and before you realize adapted regular fitness program.

Now....take a minute to see what you can fit into your lifestyle....time/work/family/relationship. Also, in this thought process, think about what you like to do that is active and make that the core of your fitness......doing something you are passionate about will also keep you coming back for more.

I look forward to your comments and questions......

Stay Healthy

Senin, 03 November 2008

Do not Stress About the Food!!!!

Hi Everyone

Are you thinking.....eating healthy is too hard? I say....keep is simple and do not stress. I see people getting so caught up in calorie counts, weighing food, percentages of proteins, carbs and fats that the new healthy food choices become an overwhelming chore. Have you heard of the saying.....throw out the scale.....well....apply it to the food....throw out the scales and calculators. Look at it this way....if you are eating pastries, white breads, and high sugar empty calorie cereals for meal 1 or breakfast....simply switch it out for a healthy choice such as oatmeal and while you are at it....throw in some blueberries. Sound enjoy how the meal tastes. Often times eating healthy needs to start with just that.....EATING HEALTHY. OK....moving on to meal 2.....this would be a snack between breakfast and lunch.....resist those donuts sitting out in the office break room....and bring out that Clif bar you brought today. Again, take your time eating and enjoy the flavors. Meal 3......the friends want to go to their favorite pizza can opt to go and select the salad bar and throw in some egg whites, load up on the vegies and mixed greens...ALL DRESSINGS ON THE SIDE.....try to avoid the creamy stuff.....dip your fork in the dressing and enjoy the colorful mixture of greens, vegies, beans, proteins, that managed to make it on your fork. Meal 4.....another snack between lunch and dinner......I love to mix Non Fat Knudsen cottage cheese with a light and creamy Yoplait yogurt and throw in a few raw almonds....YUMMO. Meal 5......this is usually dinner.....load up on your favorite vegies and a grilled boneless/skinless chicken breast seasoned with spice. If you are a night will feel hungry about 2 1/2 hours after meal 5.....I love to have rice cakes on hand with a smear of peanut butter....this does the trick. I also have vanilla whey protein powder on hand and will sometimes mix that in some vanilla silk light soy milk. see....eating healthy is just switching out unhealthy choices for healthy choices and the above is just a sample of the many wonderful choices you can make. Normal hunger is every 2 1/2 hours and eating small meals throughout the day keeps your metabolism turned on, your blood sugar stable, and eliminates the urge to grab that unhealthy choice because you are hungry. Eating this way should keep you feeling satisfied and NEVER hungry. Eating is WONDERFUL and incorporating healthy food choices and ENJOYING them will set you up to adapting a healthy nutrition lifestyle and you WILL SEE A CHANGE in your overall health. So....I challenge you to start today....begin with switching out the unhealthy choices for the healthy calculators and no food scales. If you want to write down what you eat for time sake in order not to go over 2 1/2 hours....that is all I would worry about. If you want to include a protein, carb, fat column per meal.....simply put check marks next to those nutrients for your info that they were included with each meal. That is it not make this a overwhelming task.....and remember to ENJOY getting healthy!!!!

Stay Healthy!!!!

Minggu, 02 November 2008

Hi Readers

I have created this blog as a way to communicate with you and assist you on your road to getting healthy and staying healthy. Please feel free to review my website or to learn more about me. I receive countless emails regarding nutrition, fitness, and everything related and providing an open forum to address your questions and concerns is my gift to you.

Stay Healthy!!!!
