Kamis, 29 September 2011

Bubble and Squeek: Brussels, Leeks and Ham

Don't let leftovers get you down. Make this quick and delicious potato dish and they'll never know it was from stuff you already had in your fridge. They'll also never know it's healthy, brussel sprouts are hiding in this flavorful comfort food.

Bubble and Squeak, in it's varying forms is the name for fried left-over vegetables from Sunday lunch. Traditionally, it would be eaten on a Monday for lunch or dinner with a fried egg, bacon, or meat leftovers. There is no specific recipe it is simply a way of using up whatever you have left from dinner. The main ingredient is mashed potatoes which is the 'glue'  holding all of the other veggies together and often, but not always cabbage.

In Ireland, it is known as Colcannon and is made from mashed potatoes, cabbage or Kale and onion and similar to Bubble and Squeak as is Rumbled Thumps in Scotland.

Bubble and squeak was a popular dish during World War II, as it was an easy way of using leftovers during a period of hardship and when most foods were rationed. The name comes from the bubble and squeak sounds that are made as the vegetables cook.



1 1/2 lbs (750 g) floury potatoes
1/2 cup(125 ml/4fl oz) milk
3 oz (90 g) butter
14 oz.(450g) any combination of  chopped or shredded green vegetables 
{cabbage, leek, brussel sprouts, kale, spinach}
4 oz (110 g) bacon or ham
1/2 cup (125 ml)  Gruyere cheese, shredded 
salt and cracked pepper to taste (I use French Grey Sea Salt)

Cut the potatoes into even-sized pieces and put them in a pan of cold water. Bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer until tender, about 8-10 minutes, do not boil or the potatoes may break up and absorb water before they cook through. Drain thoroughly.

Heat the milk in a pan. Add potatoes and half of the butter then mash with a fork until the mixture is smooth. Melt  half of the remaining butter in a large, heavy-based pan with a handle suitable for using in an oven. Cook the ham or bacon until just done. Add the green vegetables (I used brussels and white & light green part of leeks this time) and cook until they are just tender and cooked through. Add them to the potato and mix together with cheese. Season to taste with salt and cracked pepper.

Melt remaining butter (yup, more butter) in pan and spoon in the potato mixture, smoothing off the top. Cook until the bottom is browned and crispy. Remove pan from the heat and place it under a preheated oven at 450 degrees F. Cook until the top is golden browned, about 12 minutes.

Delicious served with a salad or an accompaniment to poached eggs.

Wash brussel sprouts under cool water. Pat dry.

I threw them in my food processor and shredded them.
Brown the brussels and leeks over med-high heat in butter or a high-smoke point oil like grape seed.

Cube potatoes into small pieces and place in salted, cool water into a shallow pan. 
Bring to a gentle boil for 8-10 minutes. Drain.

Now listen, these photos are from 2 different times I made this dish.
The 1st time I mixed all my ingredients in a bowl and then placed them back into the shallow pan and reheated it on the stove and then placed it right into the preheated oven to brown on top.

The 2nd time I used a casserole dish. Not sure why, maybe because I thought it would be prettier. I suggest using the same pan for everything if you have one that is oven proof. Cook your potatoes first, drain and set aside, then brown veggies. Then bake {just follow the recipe above}

 Bon Appetite!

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Rabu, 28 September 2011

I Keep It Simple and Slow

Do You Like My Blog…Offer Me a Protein Shake

Life is really too short not to…I do not entertain drama, negativity, or anything that screams…NOT HEALTHY.  I enjoy the little things in life because they are truly the BIG things.  I have learned that rushing through a day at the speed of light is not a good thing and literally landed me flat on my backside in 2008…and besides…you miss out on a lot of life. For quite some time now, I have made sure to slow things down, enjoy the moment and build fabulous memories. I have this saying…nothing good happens fast…LOL.  I use this all the time when I am training clients…and I also put myself through slow methodical workouts where I concentrate on the muscle being worked, feel the muscle move through its motion, and really get the most out of the work.  Nothing good happens fast when an exercise is done so fast that the movement is out of form, without thinking, compromising the body, and before you know it…injury…and YUCK…what the heck is that all about.  Not for this girl and maintaining my 47 year young self…OK…yes I am talking about life and I am talking about my workouts…well, it goes hand in hand now doesn’t it?  Getting back to simplicity…I have learned to be content in all circumstances…in my book, life is not about having a million dollars, or the nicest car or house, but happiness with myself and getting up every morning looking forward to what I will do with my day. 

During Our Honeymoon Last Year
I enjoy the simple pleasure of a cup of coffee in the morning with hubby, good conversation, time with family and friends…and I am talking quality time…giving my full attention to someone when they are sharing a story.  I can remember when my kids were small and the rush rush get things done was on overdrive for this actively involved parent…they are sharing something exciting that happened on the playground for example, and I would be washing the dishes with one ear on them, the other in the sink…I would definitely change that…put down the dish and sit down to look intently in their eyes and allow myself to feel their excitement.  You see, these are the important things that are learned in life…the lessons learned that I now apply and live by.  You better believe my children get my full attention when they are visiting…no cleaning, no dishes, but quality time. I use this same philosophy with my clients, and especially during an initial consultation.  I give all of me during a consultation, coaching, or training session…I am a deep person and need to feel what is being shared in that moment.  It is in that moment, I can see clearly to help.  OK…I am all over the board here…but I hope you understand what I am sharing…simplicity comes with slowing down, being a good listener, a good friend, wife, mother, daughter and taking in the moment. Slowing down also means taking care of my body using slow, methodical movements where my muscles get the most benefit for the time I give. 
Exploring a Ghost Town
I am a simple girl…I love the smell of the first rain on the pavement, hummingbirds flying around my orange tree in the morning, the sound of laughter around the dinner table, my cooking being enjoyed, and my list can go on and on.  I sit here as a 47 year young woman who has lived a lot of life, experienced quite the journey and realizing that simple and slow may not be a million dollars…but is sure feels like a million dollars.  So, next time you think about wanting things now, fast, rushed….think about so many things that would be missed along the way…because truly…nothing good ever happens fast. I will end with another favorite saying….Exercise is a journey NOT a destination….this applies to everything in my life. Stay Healthy!
I Slow Life Down and Enjoy the Moment
Motivation of the Day: Nothing Good Ever Happens Fast

Me in my Studio
Workout of the Day
45 minute exercise of my choice workout
I started out on my ARC trainer and felt burnt after 10 minutes, so with my minute interval timer clipped on my sports bra, I began doing whatever exercise that popped into my mind for that minute…it became a game…and before I knew it, 45 minutes…DONE.  So, included in my fitness game were lunges, low rows, lunge backs, step ups, bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, squats, and pull downs just to name a few.  I also used my tubing.  YES…today was a tough motivation day and happy that I completed the game.

Meal 5

Nutrition of the day:
Coffee…so good this morning;)
1-Thin Bagel with 1 Tbsp peanut butter
2-Post work out shake
3-Spinach salad with grilled chicken
4-¼ cup Pumpkin Seeds and ½ cup Greek Yogurt
5-Egg white scramble with spinach & avocado

Personal Share:  Happy 87th Birthday to My Fabulous Father!!!

Love You Dad ~ Your Baby Girl



Minggu, 25 September 2011

Every Day Learning Opportunities

You don't have to be a home schooling mom to take the opportunity to teach your children new and fun things every day. You don't even need to buy lesson planners, organizers or work books. In fact, I've found that spur of the moment learning opportunities from things found around your home or neighborhood are often some of the best and most fun ways for kids to learn and grow.

When we drive around town doing every day errands we play different games by me asking the kids questions about they're 'town'. When we pass a field or farm I ask them what  they think  is growing there or what animals live there and what they provide for us; minerals, vitamins, energy, healthy bodies etc. We also talk about what makes plants grow: soil, air, sunshine, water and of course tractors! And in contrast, we talk about what things do not grow on a farm: candy, soda pop and cookies and why they are bad for us. I let the kids do their own brainstorming, helping them out a little when my 5 year old names things like hot dogs and potato chips that he thinks grow on a farm.

On Sunday mornings when my husband and I sit down to read the paper {well he reads, I get to cut out coupons, what a deal ;) we take the opportunity again to learn about food and categories. I let the boys, age 5 and 6 cut out things that we 'need' at the store and then put them in their proper categories; dairy, meat, vegetables, fruit, and junk food. This provides another opportunity to talk about healthy food choices and why certain foods are in each category. The boys love this because they are helping mommy with the house hold chores and I love it that it is Fun Learning. 

When the kids run out of  food to cut out they have fun cutting out toys that they think each other would like or a lawn mower or tent for daddy and curtains and pots and pans for mommy (when did I start wanting those things over clothes and jewelry? sighhhh)

Now, if only I could actually read the paper and finish my cup of coffee before noon. Someday.

Sometimes we save the pictures they clip out and the next day we use glue sticks to make an alphabet book.
The kids write each letter of the alphabet on pieces of paper and glue the pictures onto the correct page depending on the letter they start with. 

Not only is this a free project but it keeps them busy for like 30 whole minutes!

What we've learned:

Letters and Sounds
Fine Motor Skills
Nutrition & Food Groups
How things Grow

What are some things you do with your kids to promote learning?

This post is linked to:
Sun Scholars

Rabu, 21 September 2011

It Is Not Always Easy


Great Place to Meditate...On the Water
It is true…life is not always easy for me…are you kidding.  I am just like many of you…a woman, wife, mother, daughter, a friend…who just happens to walk the talk of fitness with my occupation as a personal trainer and writer.  I have up and down days mentally and emotionally…and YES…I do experience burn out with my workouts.  One of my favorite life quotes is this “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it”.  I came across this quote from a school project that my son made in junior high and it has really stuck with me…my son is now 23.  You see, I have realized through my journey of becoming a healthy person that the only thing that can be controlled, is how I think, feel, and respond to life’s circumstances and I have learned to let go of the rest.  Being healthy has not only been a journey of the physical but also the emotional for me…as I am sure with most of you.  However…this Blog is about me to motivate you…and this is indeed a personal share.  I do not believe in perfection but I do believe in being the BEST ME everyday…what does that mean.  One of my fabulous new clients just shared this quote…”You Do Not Have to Get an “A” Everyday”…WOW…now that is a revelation for someone like me who can be an overachiever.  This is a step back statement that says…when I have a down day…it is OK…I am not perfect, never will be.  If I were perfect, I would not be existing on this planet now would I?    What the heck does this have to do with maintaining my physique, fitness and nutrition…absolutely everything.  Attitude is huge in life and really dictates how I am going to proceed with my day.  I can choose to be a bitter, angry person, full of non-forgiveness and YUCK or I can choose to be a person with the potential to learn and grow in a positive way from every moment in life.  I choose door number 2…that is healthy for me.  OK…on the days that I feel down and need motivation…I pray, read the Bible, talk with my hubby, or trusted friend…and then I am able to get my positive groove on for the day. 

If my attitude is not in the right place and I am not responding healthy, I would be a person unable to help people…I would not be a good choice to come see for a healthy lifestyle.  I mean really…would you want to entrust your health to a person that was unhealthy in any sense of the word…sadly, many people walk around emotionally unhealthy without anyone knowing.  That is the kicker…boy am I jumping around…but that is me with writing…I put down my feelings…the Real Darla Deal. Getting back to why this is important…it is my attitude about life and how I respond to it that lifts me up, that motivates me, that keeps me moving in a positive direction, that helps me be the BEST me every day with my nutrition and my fitness.  I choose NOT to give up in despair but to persevere through life.  Life will bring challenges…I have faced many and I will continue to do so…but how I choose to respond will be the key to my healthy self.  I am just like you with the struggles of life, injuries, finances, economy, illness, family crisis…and every other life bump that comes along….but what has always remained important is how I respond. I can tell you this…it may be hard to get my backside on my ARC trainer on a down day, but after I get going…it does become easier…and then a whole different attitude kicks in and I start using this time to think through things, and before I know it, 45 minutes are done, several calories burned, my clothes are soaked…and I feel pretty darn accomplished…now this is Fabulous Response to Life’s Circumstances…Right On Darla! 

What I am really trying to bring home here is that life is about balance and health includes the emotional as well as the physical…and when one is out of sync…the machine will not work properly…I hope that makes sense.  I Blog to you on a down day and YES…I started my morning with an early cup of coffee and my Bible reading outside and enjoying my cat nibbling my toes…after 20 minutes of quiet time taking in this moment…I felt energized, fresh and better equipped to start my day…and YES….I rode my ARC trainer for 45 minutes…is everything perfect…NO…never will be…but I will tell you this…Life is Good. Stay Healthy!

Motivation of the Day: Life is 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You Respond To It

My Work out of the Day:
ARC trainer 45 minutes ~ Strength Level 3/Intervals

My Nutrition of the Day:
Fabulous Cup of Verona Coffee
1-Pre-workout shake
2-Post-workout shake
3-Egg Whites on Sprouted Bread, 1 peach
4-3 slices Peppered Turkey Breast & ¼ cup raw walnuts/cranberries/sunflower seeds
5-Spinach Salad topped with Grilled Chicken Breast, EV Olive Oil & Balsamic
6-Protein Pudding
Meal 5


Stay Healthy!