Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

The Case of the Sneaky Munch Mouths: Simple Salmon Salad w home made Tangy-Dijon dressing

Really this post was going to be about the simplicity and health benefits of making your own salad dressing. I think that most people already know that no matter what the labels say, home made is just plain better tasting, better for you and gosh darnit just plain cheaper. What most people don't realize, is that home made salad dressings and marinades are super simple! Once again, if I must, "So easy a mom of 4 can do it!" ;)

Tangy-Dijon Dressing

So while I was taking pictures of my ridiculously simple salad dressing, someone was secretly sneaking veggies off of my plate. It's impossible to set up food ahead of time to be photographed around this joint! I thought a plate of salad, peppers and salmon would be safe, but alas nothing is safe around these little munch mouths.

Moral of this story, your children may like veggies that you might not think they would  such as bell peppers. Give your children a variety of veggies starting at a young age so they grow up with healthy eating habits.

They worked together as a team. Nolan climbed up on the bench and was handing off bits of my pretty salad to baby Mona. Oh, well, happy, healthy babies are more important than pretty pictures on my blog any day.
my picture perfect Salmon Salad......

Ah, saved! This is a simple salad after all. Romaine lettuce, orange bell peppers and leftover Wild Salmon.

To make Dressing:

You Will Need:

1/4 cup Dijon Mustard
1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons honey
cracked pepper to taste
optional but recommended: 1 tablespoon fresh thyme, 1 clove garlic, smashed.

Put all ingredients into a blender. Blend on high for 30 seconds. Serve over mixed green salad or as a dip for salmon, or veggies. My kids love this as a dip for veggies.
*Store remaining dressing in an airtight container and refrigerate. Keeps for about a week.

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