This morning I woke before the sun came up….I could not sleep and I am not one to just lay there. My mind was on and thoughts swirling around. What was I thinking about….the question is really “what was I not thinking about.” It is in these quiet moments I have a talk with God and journal my thoughts…this really helps me sort things out. My thoughts also included my content for the blog today and sharing a bit more about myself and who I am “today”. What comes to mind is “Overcoming Adversity, Obstacles, and the New Me”. When you think about life and what you plan for yourself…the plans you have for yourself are not always what you think….that is when you know how much you are not in control of some of the circumstances of life….hence the saying…Control only those things you can and forget about the rest. Digging a bit deeper and being vulnerable right here right now with you….I suffered a severe cervical injury in 2008/09 which changed my life forever. I was down for a year, scheduled for surgery, unable to continue my work as a massage therapist, and lots of time flat on my back feeling a loss of my complete self...would I ever recover, fear, feelings of failure, could I continue with my passion of helping others…just so much that I would need to journey through and eventually accept. Today, I look back on that year, and yes, I may not be able to do some of the things I used to, but what I can do, I WILL with even more passion & fire than before. I persevered through long hours of self implemented physical therapy to avoid surgery and faith that each day would bring me closer to being the BEST me with my limitations. Now, for those who know my background of extreme athlete, letting that go was not easy, but I have to say that TODAY, I am stronger & wiser for my journey. My compassion for those with injuries and limitations is now heightened even more due to my experience…I can truly say that I understand what you are going through. So, what am I trying to say here…WELL… I am still an athlete maintaining myself utilizing a modified path and that is OK with me. Do I still have good and not so good days….YES…but I am so thankful for the Woman that I am today. I hope that sharing all this with you gives you hope that YOU CAN overcome anything, and to not let anyone tell you NO….because a NEW ME & a NEW YOU feels pretty fabulous ;)
Me after Cardio This Morning...YEAH! |
45 minute cardio this morning….YEAH!!!!!
BOSU crunches – 2 sets of 50 reps
Nutrition So Far:
1 cup Coffee prior to cardio
Post workout shake: 1 orange/6oz Yoplait light yogurt/prune juice/1 scoop whey protein/1/4 cup all bran fiber cereal/palm of almonds…blend and YUM
Stay Healthy!
Darla ;)
Stay Healthy Fitness Website
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