Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Got Time for a Quickie? A post people....... Great Give Away and a Wonderful New site.

First, I just wanted to remind you all that tomorrow is the last chance to enter for the case of Alaskan Salmon. An entire case! Honestly, it was really good stuff. Pure Alaskan Salmon's site says that it is sold retail at Whole Foods so since we've already managed to devour the case they sent us I guess I'm going to have to trek on over to the nearest Whole Foods near our home.

Enter here and please spread the word if you will. tweet tweet.

Also, I find it interesting that my blog is finally getting a little bit of attention lately. Just a little, I'm sure I won't let it go to my head, no worries. I am so excited to have been invited to be a contributor at a newly launched site called Bliss.com by Glam Media. I love that this space is dedicated to total healthy living and well being. Eating Well and Fitness articles as well as Mind, Spirit and Body, Self Empowerment and more. Do head over and say hi!

I have to leave you with this random, fun photo I found while surfing the web.

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