My super frugal secret to a fresh and clean home using zero harmful chemicals?
Baking Soda!
I've been using baking soda for so long and for so many things that I really thought it was irresponsible not to share all of the many uses with you. I am still finding new ways to utilize this frugal and completely natural wonder. Most of you probably already know that you can stick an open box of baking soda in the fridge to absorb odors and scrub away burnt on food from pans, but did you know all of these other cleaning and deodorizing secrets? Have any others you'd like to share? Id love to hear them!
I buy a huge bag of baking soda at Costco (also at Walmart) which is even cheaper than buying it by the small box full.
Deodorizing your linen closet
Place an open box of baking soda alongside your stacks of
sheets and towels to stave off mustiness.
Carpet Deodorizer
To absorb stale odors from carpet (and to generally freshen up a room), scatter soda on it, wait a few hours, then vacuum up the powder.
Drain Unclogging!
To get your drain running again (without resorting to chemicals worthy of a hazmat suit) pour ½ cup soda, then ½ cup vinegar, down a clogged drain. Cover it with a wet cloth, wait 5 minutes, uncover,
and flush with steaming-hot water.
Sink Cleaner
This works fabulously! Along with citrus, baking soda cleans even the toughest
stains and build ups in your sinks. I have stainless steel kitchen sinks and
I've never seen them so bright ans sparkling after I sprinkle on baking soda then spray with bottled lemon juice and gently scrub.
Removes crayon and ink.
Sprinkle it on a damp sponge to erase crayon, pencil, and ink from
painted surfaces.
Removes soap scum and built up dirt on bath tubs & showers.
Create a paste mad up of equal parts baking soda and cream of tartar and a little lemon juice. Let sit for 30 minutes, then rinse.
Natural Silver Polish
Wash items, then place on aluminum foil in the bottom of a pot. Add a baking-soda solution (¼ cup soda, a few teaspoons salt, 1 quart boiling water)
and cover for a few seconds. The result?
A chemical reaction that gets the black off the gravy boat.
Photos via Real Simple
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