Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Beyond Broccoli! Swiss Chard and Herbed Feta Omelet with Sunflower Seeds

Today I felt very, very glamorous. Like a movie star even. I scrounged through my closet, dusting off slinky pieces of silken camisoles and scarves that haven't seen the light of day in more than a decade. I carefully picked through my single drawer full of make up for a shade of eye shadow and a tint of lip gloss that would make me look glamorous without making me look desperately like I was grasping on to my  twenties  for dear life.

Why do you ask would I put myself through such torture? Because I, Gwen Wilson had been generously offered to do an official photo shoot with a real, live, professional photographer who is used to shooting twenty-something models from L.A. California.

 My neighbor and friend, Ron Brewer who recently moved here from L.A. very graciously offered to take my son's senior pictures a few months ago at NO  cost. They  turned out so, so amazing and it is a gift that we will cherish forever. At the same time he offered to do a photo shoot of me which I had mixed feelings about. Mostly it sounded like a lot of fun and a great opportunity but really, who was I kidding?  What was I going to do with  a bunch of pictures of myself looking like a tired mom-of-four?

Deep breaths..... Nice.. Calm.. Deeeeeeep breaths.......

Say's Me to myself and I:

I am not too fat. 

I am not too old.

I AM  a confidant, fun, happy-go-lucky sort of girl who can and  WILL  embrace  all of life's adventures and opportunities at the drop of a hat and  GO WITH IT!

Here are a few shot's of Britton that Ron took.

Pretty cool huh?

I haven't even seen the final photos from my shoot yet but it turns out I had a  lot  of fun. I felt pretty. I felt glamorous. It was a far, far cry from the every day routine of  mommy-hood.

What does this have to do with Swiss Chard Omelets?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.  Other than the fact that today was a good day followed by an even better dinner. A dinner that took about 10 minutes to prepare and cook and one that all 4 kids ate willingly and happily. A dinner that I could feel very good about serving to my family and eating myself. One that I know YOU  will love too.

Without further ado,

Swiss Chard and Herbed Feta Omelet with Sunflower Seeds:

Swiss Chard and Herbed Feta Omelet with Sunflower Seeds:

8 eggs (figure about 2 eggs per person)
1 small bunch swiss chard
1 small green zucchini
2 cloves garlic
1/4 cup chopped green onion
1/4 cup Raw unsalted sunflower seeds
1/2 cup herbed feta cheese
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1/2 teaspoon Himalayan Pink Sea Salt
Diced avocado

Putting it all together:
Roughly chop swiss chard and rinse thoroughly. Chop zucchini into small pieces. Smash garlic and mince, set aside. Finely chop green onion, set aside.
Whisk together eggs, salt and pepper.
 In a large cast iron or caphalon skillet, over medium-high heat, add oil. When hot, toss in swiss chard, let sit for a minute. Toss with a spoon. Add zucchini and toss to coat, let sit so for a minute so it will brown. Add garlic and stir for 1 minute. Do Not let garlic burn!
Pour eggs into skillet. Let sit for 1 minute without stirring!
Push eggs towards center of skillet with flat spoon working your way around the pan.
Add feta. slowly keep pushing eggs towards center of skillet until just set.
Remove from heat. Garnish with green onions and avocado.

Don't forget the sunflower seeds! They are a strong source of Vitamin E, Magnesium and detoxifier.

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Nutty Greek Quinoa Toss

It's amazing how easily one can gain a few pounds when your metabolism takes a nose dive in your late thirties. I mean honestly, can't a girl go on a nice relaxing cruise and sit around all day long on the back of a ship's deck looking out at the cold, serene Alaskan waters with her feet up on a wicker chair and be surrounded constantly with pastries, cheeses and berry filled crepes at all hours of the day without gaining 8 stupid pounds?

Apparently not. *Sigh.

Well, if that weren't a bad enough set back on my never ending fight against belly bulge then the 12 hour road trip we took this last weekend to Utah with 4 kids certainly put the nail on the diet coffin. While we did bring along apples and healthy trail mix, they went so well with Twizzlers and chocolate covered raisins that we decided to buy some cookies to top it off. Perfectly reasonable right?

Now, how to lose those 10 pounds gained in 2 short weeks after I've been fighting to lose 20 since who the hell knows when?    *Double sigh, big fat pout.

Here's the back of the ship where my sweetie and I  loved to sit and relax..... and snack.... a lot.

Can you blame us? I mean really. Look at the view. And the weather was just so unbelievably cool and perfect compared to the miserable heat we are used to here in Phoenix.

We didn't spend  ALL  of our time on our butts stuffing our mouths.
We had some pretty amazing adventures too.
Here we are zip lining through the 200 foot tall trees in Ketchikan, AK.  
Me and my baby sister Rachel.

Did I mention that due to the glaciers that swept over the land many years ago, the soil is only 4-6" deep?
Did you catch that? That's INCHES, not feet.

We were swinging from super tall trees that are hanging on for their dear lives in soil that is too shallow to plant carrots in!


And we took one frieking amazing, hold onto your hats fast bike ride 32 mies from Canada back to Skagway, AK. This was by far the highlight of my trip! The scenery was breath taking. 

So, how to fit back into my pants?

It's a good thing I discovered quinoa some time ago and shortly after figured out how to make it unbelievable delicious.

It's the feta. No, it's the toasted pine nuts. NO! It's the white balsamic vinaigrette.

O.K., all of these things plus the squeeze of lemon, freshness of the parsley and zip of the sweet peppers make this quinoa toss very addictive and satisfyng. My tummy thanks me.

1/2 cup uncooked quinoa
1 big handful grape or cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1 big handful sweet peppers minced
1 big handful parsley, minced
1 clove garlic
1/2 cup feta, crumbled
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon white balsamic vinaigrette
freshly cracked white pepper
squeeze fresh lemon juice

Put quinoa into a fine sieve and rinse thoroughly to remove natural 'soapy' film.  Cook according to package directions, usually 1:1 parts quinoa-water, bring to a gentle boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes.
If you please, toast pine nuts on a dry cast iron skillet until golden brown to bring out flavor.
Using a small food processor or knife, finely dice sweet peppers, garlic and parsley.
In a large bowl, toss together still warm quinoa, feta, peppers, parsley, pine nuts and tomatoes.
Drizzle in oil and vinaigrette. Toss to combine. Add lemon and pepper to taste.

Serve warm or chilled.

For dinner, we prefer the warm version where the feta is just slightly creamy and the flavors melt together.

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012


Watermelons are BACK!!! YEAH
What a fabulous word…YES…I would have to say that I am content with a lot of things.  I do not have to look for approval or contentment outside of myself, worrying about the whole “I am not good enough” thing.  Maybe, when I was younger and not older and wiser like today, I would run around trying to please everyone, and put my own feelings aside and even to a non boundary fault…YUCK YUCK…and OH did I say YUCK.  This journey I call life has blessed me with many discoveries of positive growth and has opened my eyes to seeing all that I have gone through as part of that process.  If you have read my bio, you can understand a bit of what I am talking about.

I want to really dig deeper into my satisfaction though as it relates to my fitness and maintaining ME at 48.  YES…I am serious about my health, maintain a good quality of life, and the outer shell benefits of that…of course…LOVE it.   I would not be truthful with you if I did not admit that.  The point I am trying to make is that I am content…I do not need to look further , to look better, to be thinner, to be leaner, to be more muscular…I am truly content with my work and maintenance feels over the top satisfying .  I can and do get satisfaction each day as I live being the BEST me with all my limitations…I am GOOD.

I have been around the block to hear and see so many people who are not happy even when they reach their goals and even living their goals…meaning a healthy lifestyle…it is still not enough.   It saddens me because that is a deeper issue…the one that haunts within, the one that may creep in from the past or be caused by the past or even the present.  Let me tell you being a positive advocate for counseling, therapy, and woman of strong faith …this would be the time to visit that part of life…to see what the heck is going on to cause such unhappiness and nonacceptance of self.  Been there, done that, and greatly appreciative of all that I have learned and having God on my side through the process…HIP HIP HOORAY, HEALED, and Happily Ever After Content!

Daughters are Fabulous
I look at myself and NO…no longer that 20 something that I see in both my daughter and stepdaughter…absolute peaches and cream skin beauties they are…WOW…I marvel in that for them.  But that is how it is supposed to be…48 comes with love lines, and battle scars that I have earned from my journey of life, having children,  surgeries, and the overall aging process…I mean really…am I supposed to look 20 something... A BIG NO…I am being real here…seriously…and I will not undergo any process on my face to take away the privilege and honor of being ME.  Will I do my BEST to be my BEST…of course…I am trendy, not frumpy, and love to feel sexy.  Being healthy satisfies all those things for me and that is who I want to be…ME. 

I believe in the word “enough”, and when it comes to my fitness…it is good enough.  Satisfaction applies to so many things in my life…the contentment of being healthy is just a part of Darla…I do not believe that the grass is greener on the other side, wanting to outdo the “Jones’” , and that more is better.  I do believe in the saying “I may not have the best of everything but I make the BEST of everything I have”, that less is more, enjoying the simple things, in not sweating the small stuff, and in daily miracles.  It is important for me to feel satisfaction, contentment, and value every moment...If I did not do that…I do not think that life would make sense.  You may see Darla, the fitness expert, but let me introduce you to Darla, the satisfied person.   








Stay Healthy Quinoa Chicken with Sun dried Tomato & Fresh Basil


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!


Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Balance, Life, and Vacation

On Vacation!
If you tuned into my last Blog, you may have figured out that I was going on vacation…well…I DID and had a blast…except for the nasty scrape and bruise to my bootie that I am still healing from …talk about a pain in the backside…YIKES…I will go more into that in a bit.  Let me just tell you that I am a simple gal and when it comes to our boat trips, I pack light because we are usually in swim suits most of the time, don’t wear makeup…don’t need it and rarely wear it anyway, lots of sunscreen…non-stinging waterproof please, Burt’s Bees lip balm, and my MUST have leave in spray conditioner to get out the tangles from lots of swimming;)…Woo Hoo that is what I am talking about…simplicity as it’s vacation BEST. 

When Friday came, I took my watch off and did not concern myself with what time it was for one full week…no time constraint, no schedules…AHHH…such a free feeling to do whatever I wanted, when I wanted without hurry, deadline, and just reading my body for eating times and sleeping…and of course enjoying quality time with hubby, boating fun and the great outdoors.  It truly seems like life should be this simple, this stress free most of the time.  I think it is important to MAKE IT HAPPEN…to schedule those down time moments to really appreciate what life is all about…it is definitely not about the GO GO GO, and  DON’T STOP TILL YOU DROP life…NOT FOR ME. 

One of our Coves
Deer Sighting!!!
Did I freak out knowing I was not going to be getting in my normal workouts…maybe at first and only for a second… this girl was ready to go.  Actually, I was looking forward to giving my body a rest, plugging into some meditation, being creative with active rest, and truly taking in LIFE.  Not that I do not do that on a daily basis, but sometimes, a deeper spending of time to appreciate everything around me is in order.  Also, taking a vacation is a good way to prevent burn out by taking a break from the things that are done day in and day out.  I come back with a renewed sense of being each time…I LOVE THAT.

Was I going to rebel and throw all my healthy philosophies out the window…of course NOT.  Was I going to provide leniency to enjoy things that I typically would not partake in moderation…a BIG YES!  Life is about balance, about living, about enjoying, about BEING REAL…that is who I am…REAL.  Please do not think that I am some super fitness freak who spends hours in the gym working out, and only eating boiled chicken, steamed broccoli and egg whites…WRONG.  Not to say that these items are not in my nutrition plan…but really…if you have seen my recipes, I am very much into great tasting food and lots of variety.  Our cooler was full of prepared meals of Quinoa with sun dried tomatoes, lean turkey meats, marinated chicken, spinach salad…you get the picture.  We did purchase some Organic Flax Meal Chips from Costco and I have to say…impressed with the quality.  Important to intake a little salt when spending time in the heat in addition to lots of water…so a few chips here and there fueled this water girl.  


Trail to Water slide
We launched at Lake Shasta, one of our favorite spots to putt around, swim, and create our own adventures.  Each day, we did what we wanted and were active by taking in ½  to 1 mile swims each day, having pull up contests off the boat dive platform, and hiking around off shore.  Now…getting to the bootie injury…a few minutes of fun for over a week of discomfort…next time I am bringing on the  OK…we discovered a Natural Rock Water Slide that existed off one of the coves, and although a bit of a hike to get there…it was absolutely beautiful and tropical looking…so many pools surrounded by golden rocks…BREATHTAKING.  The end of paradise trail revealed the Rock Water Slide…well, a swim across the natural pool and climb up the rocks using a knotted rope was the only way to reach the top of the slide ... I admit I was a bit was a thrill for sure...but...the OH NO ...bump bump bump…scraped my bootie on the rocks.  

Water slide! I was able to find this pic online
Accomplished, but man did it tear a half dollar size deep raspberry on my tailbone area…talk about not being able to sit down for a week…there you have it…this bootie will definitely be padded next time.  I seemed to be the only one with the bootie problem as I asked others coming off the slide if they hurt their tailbone…no, no and no…hmmm…oh well.  I did witness people hiking all the way, and deciding not to try the adventure, but all was good fun…always about the journey.  My hubby went down about 3 times…I was happy with my one time adventure especially with my backside burning when it hit the water.  

Coming back from vacation is always bitter sweet, but it does feel good to get home, sleep in my own bed, get my ground legs back, and return to my routine.  I do return with a renewed sense of self as I shared earlier, feeling content, happy, and even more creatively sparked.  I enjoy seeing my clients and firing up my oven for some healthy baking.  The point I am trying to bring home is not how I burnt my bum on the water slide, but how important it is to take a step back, slow things down, get out of a rut, change things up, have some fun, and just be free for awhile, even if it is for a day, or even a week.  I know that balance is important  to my successful and happy life, helps to reduce stress, enables me to clear my head, and spend quality time not only with me but the best part…spending time with my partner, friend, and love of my life.  Now that is FABULOUS in my Stay Healthy Book!

Me with my Fabulous Husband, Don...We Enjoy our Healthy Life


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Pineapple Carnitas Pizza

Happy Pizza Friday! 

One of my family's favorite foods is pizza and one of my favorites is home made pizza. You just can't beat a good home cooked pizza on a pizza stone. The fresh dough and fresh ingredients of your choosing. I like to get crazy with my pizza and put stuff like eggplant and goat cheese on it but the kids have a slightly less exotic palate. 

This pizza incorporated another of our family's favorite cuisines, Mexican food. The roast was slow cooked in pineapple juice making it sheer torture waiting for it to be done while whiffs of warm pineapple floated around the house. 

Serve with an ice cold tropical margarita if your feeling festive.

The meat is moist and will make your dough soggy if you don't pre-cook it, so pop the dough onto your hot pizza stone, brush with a bit of good olive oil and bake at 400F for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven and then put your toppings on.

Topped simply with shredded Jack cheese and slices of sweet peppers this pizza was very satisfying.

I seem to have started quite a stir when I posted my shredded chicken tip  last year. I had several people asked me if it worked with beef and sure enough it does!  Again, just make sure you are using very warm or hot meat and trim as much fat from the roast as you can. If you use cold meat it can quite possibley harm your mixer, my Aunts Bosch mixer broke when we tried to shred a cold pork roast for tamales last year. 

Hot pineapple roast in......................................

shredded beef in seconds!

Serve with a side salad.

Rachel's Easy Pizza Dough Recipe(makes 2 pizzas or 1 pizza + bread sticks)

2 1/4 cup warm water
2 tsp. salt
2 1/2 tsp. sugar
4 1/2 Tbs. oil
2 tsp. dry yeast
5 2/3 cup flour
Mis salt, sugar, yeast and oil. Pour warm water over mix and stir. Add flour one cup at a time, mixing well each time, then kneed. No rising necessary. Bake 425 degrees 15-20 minutes.

Pineapple Carnitas Pizza Recipe
 PREP TIME      30 MINUTES       COOK TIME      45
  • 2 teaspoons chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 3-4lbs. chuck roast
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil
  • 2 - 12oz. cans pineapple, papaya or mango juice    (I use leftover canned pineapple juice from our cottage cheese and pineapple snack) 
  • 1 recipe for pizza dough
  • olive oil, for brushing the dough
  • 1 cup jarred tomatillo salsa, plus more for serving
  • 12 ounces fresh jack cheese, shredded
  • 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced and sauteed until golden
  • 1 cup of sliced sweet or bell pepper
  • sour cream, for serving (optional)
  • guacamole, for serving (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
  1. Mix the chili powder, cumin and  salt in a small bowl.
  1. Rub the spice mixture on both sides of the roast.
  1. Heat the canola oil in a large pot over high heat, then sear both sides of the roast until nice and brown, about 2 minutes per side.
  1. Pour the juice into the pot with the meat.
  1. Cover and roast for about 4 hours, until falling apart.
  1. During the last 30 minutes of cooking, put your pizza stone if you have one it the oven.
  1. Put hot roast in your mixer with the cookie paddle attatched and blend on speed 4 till shredded. Or use 2 forks to shred the meat then return to the juices.
  1. Add tomatillo salsa and onions to the shredded roast, mix to combine.
  1. Turn up the heat in your oven to 400F
  1. Roll out pizza dough into a circle
  1. Fold dough in half and gently transfer to your hot pizza stone, brush with a bit of olive oil.
  1. Cook dough for 8-10 minutes so it will not soak up all of the juices from the meat. 
  1. Remove from oven and spread the shredded roast all over pizza
  1. Top with shredded Jack cheese and  peppers.
  1. Bake pizza for 12-15 minutes until crust is browned and cheese is melted.