Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

South Western Breakfast Skillet {Vegetarian}

The thing about breakfast skillets that makes them so darn amazing is that they are almost better for dinner than they are for breakfast. It's a conundrum I've yet come to understand. Something so amazingly perfect happens when you roast lightly salt and peppered potatoes, poblano peppers, scrambled eggs and cumin and chili spiced beans in a cast iron skillet. Enter salsa and avocado. 
The end. 

Whenever I start to talk about food with somebody, like I did today with a very lovely women from The Culinary Content Network, the subject of kitchen tools almost always comes up. You start sharing your favorite recipes, tips and tricks and suddenly you find yourself neck deep in kitchen gadgets you never knew you couldn't live without!

Put the wish list aside and focus on your hands down, all time, absolutely couldn't live without cooking and baking items.

go ahead, I'll give you a minute.............

We all have our go to gadgets, skillets and knives that we turn to when cooking up a good meal. There's no way I could pick just one but I can easily say that my cast iron skillets have been on my Top Three Favorite Kitchen Tools for pretty much, well  EVER!

In fact, my very first noteworthy kitchen tool was a cast iron skillet I was given as a gift in my very early 20's. I still have it and use it several times a week. The flavor and depth that it brings to all things edible is beyond compare. Even if it's a "One Pot Dish" I still always sauté my onions and other veggies in my cast iron skillet. The difference is noteworthy.

What are your favorite kitchen items, gadgets or appliances? 
 I need to know! 

TIME      30 MINUTES            SERVES      4-6

You Will Need

A good quality, cast iron skillet. Choose one depending on the size of your family. My first one was about 8 square inches and worked perfectly until child numero tres.  Like I said before, I still use it weekly to perfectly sauté onions & other veggies and to dry roast chili peppers! Works like a charm!~

1 medium size yellow onion, diced
1 large poblano pepper or green chile
1 large or 2 small red potatoes
2 cups cooked black beans (one can)
5 whole large eggs
1 cup Jack or Pepper Jack cheese, grated
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon salt
freshly cracked pepper to taste
Cilantro, chopped for garnish
1-2 Avocados, sliced (supplies your essential healthy fats and good HDL cholesterol)
1-2 tablespoon vegetable oil

Chop potatoes into small, 1" cubes. Dice onion and chop peppers, toss them all in a bowl with salt, pepper and the oil. Meanwhile, in a small sauce pot on medium-low heat combine beans, cumin, chili powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt (omit salt if using canned beans!!) Cook covered for 15-20 minutes stirring occasionally.

In a large cast iron skillet that has been preheated for a few minutes on a medium-high burner, add the potatoes, onions and peppers. Cook over moderate heat stirring once or twice, you want them to sit and brown a bit! Cook for about 10-12 minutes until a fork easily pierces the potatoes but they are still a bit firm.

Drain the beans and add them to the potato mixture. Stir to combine. Let cook 2-3 more minutes. Crack the eggs into the skillet. Using a spatula, gently push the contents around to combine and coat with the egg. Add the grated cheese and let sit.  Cook just 2-3 minutes until the egg is set. Don't overcook or your eggs will be dry.

Garnish with chopped cilantro, avocado and salsa as you please. 

Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Gluten Free Banana Blackberry Bread #NationalHeartMonth

Valentines Day means heart shaped boxes filled with chocolate, candy hearts with cute messages on them and  even Teddy Bears holding a little stuffed red heart reading   "I Love You".  But did you know that February is also National Heart Month?  Now is the time to start making small or big changes and getting into healthy habits for your heart and over all health.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news is that heart disease can be prevented by making healthy food choices, exercising even moderately and getting regular checkups with your doctor. 

While I was pregnant with my 4 and last baby I had signs of preeclampsia, a dangerous condition that causes a sudden onset of high blood pressure. Luckily for me, it was a mild case and I didn't need to take anything for it. I've always been very  healthy and so hardly ever saw a doctor. A year or so later, I started getting frequent, excruciating headaches and saw several doctors who all wanted to treat me for "migraine like" headaches and sent me off with migraine and narcotics prescriptions (the latter I never filled). One said they were stress headaches and gave me muscle relaxers. My blood pressure  was  high at the office visits but since I'd never had HBP before, they said it was high because I had such a bad headache.

It wasn't until I began lifting weights last year and was becoming very dizzy and nauseous during my workouts that I started randomly taking my blood pressure. I then realized that I now had very high blood pressure. I'm very lucky that I didn't have a stroke or cause some permanent damage as high as it was for as long as it had been going on! In fact, most often HBP does not cause any symptoms and so people don't even know they have it. It's called 'The Silent Killer' for that reason.

According to the Center of Disease Control

"Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke. In fact, more than 67 million Americans have high blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are 4 times more likely to die from a stroke and 3 times more likely to die from heart disease, compared to those with normal blood pressure.
High blood pressure often shows no signs or symptoms, which is why having your blood pressure checked regularly is important. It's easy to get your blood pressure checked. You can get screened at your doctor's office and drugstores or even check it yourself at home, using a home blood pressure monitor."

TIME        60 MINUTES            YIELDS     2  *SMALL LOAFS

1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
2 large or 3 small very ripe bananas
1/2 cup melted real butter
4 eggs
1/3 cup real Maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon real vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon coconut oil or butter for greasing pan or use disposable paper bread pans as I did here.
1 cup fresh or frozen blackberries (can also use strawberries, chocolate chips, nuts etc.)

Preheat your oven to 350F. Grease a small 8x5 inch bread pan with coconut oil or butter. Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit just on the bottom of pan.

In the bowl of your stand mixer with a cookie paddle attachment, mash the bananas. Add butter and mix to combine. Add the eggs, one at a time. Add Maple syrup, cinnamon, vanilla and salt, mix to combine. Add the flours and baking soda Mix on low until just combined.

Spoon the batter into prepared bread pan. Bake on 350F for 35-45 minutes (depending on altitude, your oven and type of pan using.)  When a toothpick inserted in the middle of the loaf comes out clean, remove bread from oven. Place on a wire rack to cool for about 5 minutes. If you used a metal pan, take a butter knife and carefully slide it around the edges of the pan to help loosen the bread. Carefully, turn the loaf over and place the bread on the wire rack to cool another 10-15 minutes.

Serves warm as is or with a small slab of real butter. 


If you don't have buckwheat flour, substitute with equal amount of almond flour. Coconut flour is very absorbent so I wouldn't use more of that.

When baking gluten free breads it's best to stick with smaller loaf pans so as not to create dense bread. I like this pan or small, disposable ones like these or these.

As always, thank you for purchasing my recommended products through the links I provide or through Simply Healthy Family's store at the bottom of this blog and thereby supporting this site.



Winter Citrus Salad with Avocado Basil Dressing from Foxes Loves Lemons

Orange Mango and Lime Smoothie from The Wimpy Vegetarian

Kale Spinach and Bean Soup from Ruffles and Truffles

American Heart Association

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015


The truth about health and fitness is that we either want it or we don’t.  Let’s face it, we can all come up with reasons not to exercise today or pack our coolers with healthy food to have on hand.  All the reasons in the world are excuses that will eventually catch up to us in the form of illness or injury.  That also is the truth.  What we need to understand is that our lifestyle is our medicine, and that includes what we eat and how we move and rest our bodies.   We can’t continue to walk around in a state of un-health and believe that this is an acceptable existence.  Looking and feeling our best is what we all want, dream about, and talk about, but the action to make it happen never seems to occur.  Look at what is flooding our magazines, commercials, and television shows when it comes to getting healthy.  We need to be living the reality shows of achieving our best body not sitting in front of the tube with our chips watching other people taking action to get healthy. 

Reasons will not change how we look or feel and in fact will only make us feel and look worse if continued as a lifestyle.  Our first step to change this reality of reasons, is to own that we are doing that.  If you are coming up with reasons to stop by the fast food or restaurant, skip out on the workout, and party hardy until the break of dawn, it is time to stand in your own truth and ask why.  Looking at the truth can sometimes piss us off, cause us to throw our hands up with a profound “f” word salute, and that is normal.  It will be in that frustrated moment of anger or other emotion that will open the mind to what in the hell am I doing with my life and body.  It will be that slap in the face that will cause us to get serious about a healthy lifestyle becoming our medicine. 

The only person responsible for replacing reasons with action is you and me.  It is time to rearrange the priorities in our lives because no person is too busy to take care of their health.  Everyone can have their fittest body at any age and I will take on any backlash for making this statement.  A healthy fit body is obtainable and realistic for all of us and should be the goal while we are living this life.  Dependence on prescribed drugs to pseudo fix health issues is way out of hand, and although certain medications are needed for a small percentage of medical issues, I am addressing the general populous that continue to accommodate their “reasons” and unhealthy way of life.  Living a healthy lifestyle is not a half in and half out scenario either because occasional effort equals occasional results.  We want so much to change but are not willing to give the effort and this is the bottom line.  Results can and will happen, but the choice is up to you.

I dedicate this Blog to my husband, friend, love and support in my life.  
Happy Valentine’s Day Babe and I Love You Forever and a Day

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list, or if you want to receive my free updates, use the button below to select your feed preference. I look forward to responding to your comments and appreciate your shares.

Stay Healthy!



Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

Double Dutch Chocolate Pudding Raspberry Parfaits

Whether you are looking for something simple yet special to share with your sweetie or you've just had one of those days. This home made double chocolate pudding has you covered. 

I for one have had  'one of those days'  the kind where nothing has gone particularly, out of the ordinary wrong yet I really just want to punch something and then take a nap. Zero energy to deal with my never ending to do list and feeling defeated with just about everything from making school lunches and dinner to keeping the kids happy and entertained. We won't even talk about the 2+ hours I spent this morning trying to figure out a simple bit of HTML coding on my blog and never did get anything accomplished. 

Then there are these parfaits. On one hand, they were simple to make and tasted every bit as decadent as I'd hoped but on the other hand I had a completely different vision as to how they would photograph. How hard is it to make chocolate pudding look good? 

O.K. I'm going to   a.) Start a diary so you don't have to listen to my complaining and whining here. and    b.) pour myself a glass of wine and dig into round two of this pudding. Tomorrow is a different day after all. 

TIME        20 MINUTES PLUS CHILLING                SERVES       4-6

  1. 2 1/4 cups whole milk
  1. 1/2 cup sugar
  1. 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  1. 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  1. 1 large egg
  1. 2 large egg yolks
  1. 5 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
  1. 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into pieces
  1. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups prepared whipped cream
1-2 cups fresh raspberries

In a medium saucepan, combine 2 cups of milk with 1/4 cup of sugar and bring to a gentle boil over medium-high heat stirring occasionally.

In a small bowl, combine the cornstarch with the unsweetened cocoa powder and the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar until blended. Add the remaining 1/4 cup of milk and whisk until smooth. Whisk this mixture into the hot milk in the saucepan and bring to a gentle boil over medium-high heat, whisking constantly. Reduce the heat to medium low and simmer, whisking constantly, until the pudding is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, about 2-5 minutes.

In a medium bowl, whisk the whole egg with the egg yolks. Slowly pour the pudding mixture into the eggs while whisking until thoroughly incorporated, then scrape the pudding back into the saucepan. Cook the pudding over moderate heat, whisking constantly, until it just comes to boil, about 2 minutes.

Pour the pudding into a medium heatproof bowl. Add the chopped chocolate, butter and vanilla and whisk until the chocolate and butter are melted and incorporated and the pudding is smooth, about 2 minutes. Transfer the pudding to six 6-ounce ramekins and refrigerate until chilled. (If not serving soon,  press a piece of plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the pudding in the bowl and refrigerate.)

Layer in a parfait cup with whipped cream and fresh raspberries.

The chocolate pudding can be covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated for up to 4 days.

Kamis, 05 Februari 2015


No one starts at the top and sometimes you can get to the top of your fitness game, and injuries or other issues occur that send you right back to the beginning step.  I speak from experience when it comes to being knocked down from an injury and although the setback was difficult, I never gave up.  When it comes to our exercise programs, we can put so much pressure on ourselves to do too much too soon, and with that come discouragement and frustration.  When we approach our fitness and nutrition programs with a progressive attitude, it is a more realistic way of adopting a healthy lifestyle.  Progressive simply means starting where you are, accepting where you are, doing what you can, mastering what you are able to do, and then moving forward to the next level of whatever type of exercise program you have enlisted yourself.  It also means forgetting any comparisons to others because they are not you, and your program is your program.  The comparison game can cause us to get off track with our progressive program and being on alert to squelch our inner competitive nature will be important, especially when we are “newbies” to fitness. 

Progression is what will get us to the next level of fitness without injury and with a healthy body and mind.  For example, you want to master a pull-up and for the very first time you try to lift yourself on the bar, you are stuck.  The pull-up is one of the hardest body weight exercises to perform and to believe your first time out you will be able to accomplish one is unrealistic.  Those who can do one or more pull-ups have been doing this exercise for years and have built the strength in their back muscle to the point of being able to perform the exercise.  A great way to start the journey of being able to perform a pull-up is to modify the movement using a leg spot, bench spot, a Gravitron, TRX straps, or having a spotter help lift a portion of your bodyweight as you pull up.  As you are consistent in your modification of the pull-up exercise over time, you will be able to “progress” to performing the exercise without assistance.  Another great example is long distance running.  I for one would not be able to bust out a marathon like I have been doing it for years without proper training and starting from the beginning.  It truly is all about persistence, patience and progress. 

Progression can also be applied to implementing healthy foods into our nutrition.  Begin slowly by eliminating one thing like soda, and replacing it with more water intake or herbal tea.  Over time and as unhealthy foods are eliminated and replaced with healthy food choices, you will be able to progress to a 80% to 20% clean eating program without feeling deprived.  Life is already hard enough without making a healthy lifestyle feel like a burden with unrealistic expectations.  Applying the “progression principle” to our workouts and daily food intake creates a positive outlook mentally and physically.  We all like to feel accomplished with our programs and to celebrate every moment we take steps that lead us closer to our goals.  The good news is that progression is what will get you there.

Stay Healthy ~ Darla 
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list, or if you want to receive my free updates, use the button below to select your feed preference. I look forward to responding to your comments and appreciate your shares. 

My Top 10 Favorite Healthy Cookbooks #Giveaway

I'm so excited to share my Top 10 favorite healthy cookbooks with all of you! Some of these books have been flipped through, bookmarked and drooled on many, many times. I'm giving one each away to 10 Simply Healthy Family readers. I'll try my best to get you the one you want and think it would be easiest to leave me your top 3 choices in the comments below.

Like this Pozole Rojo Recipe from Thug Kitchen


Let's start of the year with some new delicious and healthy recipes shall we?

photo source

Thug Kitchen

Sprouted Kitchen

What Katie Ate

Skinny Taste

Cooking Light Global Kitchen

Foodie Physician: Cooking Well, Anti Aging

Broccoli, Love and Dark Chocolate

Delicious Probiotic Drinks

Let Them Eat Kale

Cooking Well Anti- Aging

a Rafflecopter giveaway