Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Saturday Throwback: Recession-Proofing Your Diet - Food Strategies for a New Economy

Every Saturday, we post a piece from the CHG archives. This one comes from March 2008, and includes then-timely Elliot Spitzer and J.D. Salinger-being-alive references. Oh, Comedy. You are a cruel mistress.

If you’ve been to the supermarket in the last few months, the rising cost of food isn’t exactly an Elliot Spitzer-level surprise. Grain prices are up, dairy products have become a luxury, and meat … well, cheap beef is rarer than a J.D. Salinger sighting these days. CNN, MSNBC, and the newspapers are finally picking up on it, too, with more stories about global grocery shortages and ludicrous shipping expenses. It appears we’re headed for a recession, and it may not get better anytime soon.

Never fear, though – it’s the interweb to the rescue. Lots of wonderfully informed bloggers have been totally on the ball, including Cathy at Chief Family Officer and Blogher’s Alanna Kellogg. They’ve written stellar pieces on combating food inflation, replete with shopping strategies, cooking ideas, and inventive ideas for stretching a budget.

There’s not much more to say after those posts, but I figured I’d jump on the Food/Recession bandwagon anyway. (It’s a nice bandwagon – sage green with mammoth cupholders.) Hopefully, the following suggestions will build on what Cathy and Alanna have to say, and offer a few new strategies along with it.

Don’t panic. It’s not the end of the world. Grocery prices will rise and certain items may become nigh-unattainable, but you will still be able to eat. So will your family. And with a little planning, you might not notice much of a difference.

Stay informed. Information is power. I don’t know who said that (Sophocles? Joan Didion? Cher?), but he/she was right on. As dire as the news may seem sometimes, keeping abreast of the fiscal situation is vital to preparing for sudden changes. So gird your loins and peruse the news, scan some blogs, and watch the occasional Brian Williams broadcast. Be on special lookout for food stories. You’ll be smarter for it.

Take baby steps. Revamping your diet and budget the same day won’t work, and might put you off both forever. Lasting change comes through small actions executed consistently. so take it easy. Start small, with a few simple practices, and work your way up from there.

Set aside one hour per week to plan. During this hour, you can devise a weekly menu, find circular deals online, clip coupons, and map out your shopping trips, all of which could save hundreds of dollars a month. If you were paid $100 for 60 minutes of work, wouldn’t you do it? Would you think twice? (Lawyers and doctors, don’t answer that.) What’s more, it’s much easier to stay on a healthy track when you have a concrete shopping and meal plans. It keeps you from scrounging for last-minute eats.

Write stuff down. Keeping a budget, planning that menu, and creating a grocery list are three time-tested, mother-approved money-saving maneuvers. The last two strategies usually help with weight maintenance, as well. Turns out, there is no greater splurging/gorging deterrent than knowing exactly what you’re splurging/gorging on.

Sign up for savings and preferred customer cards. If you haven’t already done this, stop reading and run to your grocer. See, just about every major supermarket has a club program that offers special discounts to regular shoppers. You give them your name and e-mail address in exchange for a dinky little keychain doohickey that magically saves 10%, 20%, or 40% per purchase. As far as I know, there are no reported downsides, except for a very heavy keychain.

Start a price book post haste. Get Rich Slowly has the end-all-be-all post on these, but there’s more at Frugal Upstate, as well as a downloadable template at No Credit Needed. (Incidentally, if you’re in the New York City area and shop at Associated or Key Food, shoot me an e-mail. I keep somewhat anarchic pricebooks for these two stores, and can forward them to you.)

Go to Money Saving Mom immediately. I can’t possibly cover this topic any better than Crystal does on a daily basis. (Brown nosing? Yes. And how!) Essentially, she and a roving gang of coupon-clippin’ ladybloggers have figured out how to score deeply discounted personal effects and non-perishable food from CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and more. We’re talking $133 worth of shampoo, diapers, and toothpaste for $9. And if that’s not enough, there are shopping strategies GALORE, from post to shining post.

When it comes to cookbooks and kitchen equipment, buy only what you absolutely need. If cooking is a hobby, it’s distressingly easy to blow a wad on adorable egg holders. Or a fourth Barefoot Contessa volume. Or a hard-anodized 10-piece pot set, because some dude on QVC said you SIMPLY MUST HAVE a sauté pan in every size. Truth is, there are precious few items anyone needs to make a decent meal, and most recipes can be found online nowadays. This Mark Bittman article has more, and these two CHG posts can help you find inexpensive equipment and cookbooks.

Clip coupons and bulk shop, but do it wisely. While both of these tactics might take big bucks off bills, they can also lull folks into buying stuff they don’t need. If you’re going to use coupons, make sure it’s for something you would purchase anyway. And if you’re loading that 128-oz. jar of capers into your elephant-sized CostCo cart, double check to see if it’s really cheaper per unit than a 4-oz. bottle. (While you’re at it, double check to see who on Earth needs eight pounds of capers.)

Cut back on booze, meat, and processed foods. “But Kris,” you might say,“they are the stuff OF LIFE.” And you’d totally be correct. Watching a ballgame without a dirty water dog and bucket-sized Bud Light … it’s unfathomable for some. (Note: me.) However, there’s something to be said for moderation. Eliminating these things from your diet entirely may be a pipe dream (or pipe nightmare), but reducing your consumption will save mad cash AND improve your health. To fill that hole in your stomach …

Eat real food. Pizza rolls, mozzarella sticks, and fries might be convenient, but produce, dairy, meat, legumes, and grain will help you live longer. AND, chosen carefully, they’ll cost less in the long run. Always remember to shop in season, from the circular, and around the perimeter of the supermarket, where they keep the whole foods.

Stock up. When frequently-used staple items like flour, beans, and canned tomatoes go on mega-sale, snatch up as much as you possibly can (provided there’s sufficient storage). Not only will they come in handy down the line, but pantry meals can be healthy, filling, and surprisingly delicious. For more information, Motherload’s Amy Clark has an ongoing series on stockpiling.

Go generic. Don't be scared. It's often just as good as the brand name.

D.I.Y. Cook more at home. Cook in bulk. Freeze things. Try gardening. Make your own mixes, dressings, sauces, and marinades. (They taste better, take zero culinary skill, and cost a fraction of the store-bought brands.) With a little time and effort, anything you see in the supermarket or at a restaurant can be accomplished in your own kitchen.

Drink water, but not the bottled kind. No one’s begrudging the occasional Dr. Pepper, but tap water is the superior choice for two reasons: it’s a billion times healthier and 100%, totally, absolutely free-er than free. Bottled water, while not a terrible choice, is a legendary rip-off, like bad chicken or accidentally downloading a Beatles cover band on iTunes.

Brown bag it. Any and every personal finance blog worth its salt has written about this subject 600 times (uh … except this one.), and for good reason. Not only does brown-bagging save me about $1300 per year, but it makes it much, MUCH (much) easier to monitor what I eat. Whether you’re into bento boxes or PB&J, it’s a sure-fire recession beater.

Think out of the box. No, DESTROY the box. Stupid box. There’s no faster way to bore yourself into a coma than gnawing on the same ol’ lettuce wrap week after week. To save money and keep from dying of ennui, leave your comfort zone as often as possible. Try new foods. Experiment with coupons. Cook differently. Host a potluck. Visit your ethnic market. Stepping outside the norm can inspire AND help you stick to the plan.

Don’t panic. Had to be said again.

If you're interested in reading further, these are solid sources:
How about y’all out there? How are you preparing for a potential economic downturn? Comments are open!

(Photos courtesy of jupiter images, Watt & Sons Supermarket, and Flickr member Ranjit.)

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Top 10 Links of the Week: 7/23/10 – 7/29/10

It’s been a sweet seven days over at headquarters (Note: my futon), between a Lifehacker link and post on the most excellent Get Rich Slowly. But the week is never complete without ... THE LINKS!

From Get Rich Slowly
1) Get Rich Slowly: How to Use a Food Dehydrator to Preserve Your Harvest
Clear, informative, extensive post on the wide world of dried fruits and veggies. I swear, Kris’ summary of methodology, practical uses, and advantages will convince you to buy a dehydrator by the time the article is over.

2) Eatocracy: The Great Lunch Swap
I love this idea: co-workers Tommy and Callie made lunch for each other for three days, and it was a total, raging success. Are you converting from takeout to brown-bagging your office meals? This is a faboo way to ease into it.

3) stonesoup: 18 tips for minimising your food costs
If you’re just starting out on this whole frugal food journey, this excellent rundown on the basics of eating cheaply/healthfully is a must-read. Bonus cauliflower/chickpea recipe at the end!

4) The Oregonian: Nurturing the Next Crop of Farmers
Neat piece on the new generation of young farmers. Inspired by the Michael Pollans and locavore movements of the world, they’re overcoming legislative obstacles to learn about the harvest.

5) The Kitchn: Good Ways for Couples to Share Food Responsibilities?
Wise Bread had a really good piece on this a few weeks ago, and this extensive comment thread only adds more to the discussion. Great for those couples A) just starting out, or B) experiencing an unequal division of labor. Most important: if you feel you’re shouldering all the responsibility, SAY SOMETHING, or suffer the resentment-filled consequences.

6) Money Saving Mom: Is Organic Milk Worth the Extra Price Tag?
We use milk exclusively for cereal over here, so these 124 comments are a bit of an education (especially Amber’s at #11). Unscientific, but most interesting: some women claim organic milk/meat postpones their daughters’ periods a few years (meaning: past third grade).

7) Salon: How to never make the same-old, same-old salad again
Sick to death of lame greens and droopy tomatoes? Francis Lam ensures you’ll never suffer a weak salad again with this thorough, knows-what-he’s-talking-about how-to.

From Real Simple.
8) Real Simple: 22 Quick, No-Cook Recipes
Oo! Nice, heat implement-free compilation of easy recipes.

9) Huffington Post: Stop Drinking Bottled Water Now!
Fab, graphic-happy poster explains why bottled water drains our wallets and environment. Print and hang!

10) Chow: What the *&@#%!$ Should I Do with All This Summer Fruit?
We started with a trip to the dehydrator. We’re ending with a trip to the freezer. Solid step-by-step on freezing your berries, melons, stone fruits, and … uh, other stuff.


Chicago Tribune: Homemade Pickles in Just an Hour
Sixty minutes to a better burger.

Esquire: Food for Men – Chinese Food
Ever wonder how to get the authentic stuff at Chinese restaurants? Only John Mariani knows for sure. (Okay, and millions of lovely Chinese people, too.)

Holy Cool: 15 Cool and Creative Ice Cube Trays
Ooo! Great birthday gifts for summer babies.

New York Times: Healthy Department Revamps Restaurant Inspection Website
Noo Yawkuhs! Restaurants are receiving letter grades for cleanliness now. Blissful ignorance is no more.

Slashfood: Vegetarian Grilling Taste Test
Quorn always loses these things. And Morningstar Farms always wins.


Gawker TV: The Best Little League Player in the Country is a Girl
Baseball pitcher Chelsea Baker, age 13, has a 65-mph fastball. She hasn’t lost a game in four years, and pitched two perfect ones, including an All-Star game. This year, she struck out 127 batters in 60 innings. Beautifully shot and edited, this piece highlights her knuckleball and ponytail in all their glory.

Thank you so much for visiting Cheap Healthy Good! (We appreciate it muchly). If you’d like to further support CHG, subscribe to our RSS feed! Or become a Facebook friend! Or check out our Twitter! Or buy something inexpensive, yet fulfilling via that Amazon store (on the left)! Bookmarking sites and links are nice, too. Viva la France!

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Summer Squash Medley with Shrimp

I hate cooking during the summer months. My appetite is also diminished when it's so hot out. I love coming up with simple, light summer meals like this one. The little peppers and parsley are from our garden, our tomatoes didn't make it in this heat. I haven't bought jarred dressing in years. It is so simple to quickly throw together a basic dressing and much healthier. You only need a few ingredients. If you keep extra virgin olive oil and red wine or other vinegar as staples in your pantry your set!

You will need:

2 summer squash
1/2 small red onion, sliced
yellow/orange sweet peppers
2 tomatoes, sliced
large handful of baby spinach
small handful fresh parsley, chopped
cooked shrimp, tails removed
1 cup cooked pasta
Lemon, garlic dressing (recipe to follow)

Putting it all together:

Cook pasta according to package directions, drain & cool.
Wash all veggies under cool running water. Using a food processor or veggie peeler, slice squash thinly, lengthwise.
Combine all veggies, shrimp and pasta in a large bowl. Drizzle with dressing, toss to coat.

Simple lemon, garlic dressing:

In a measuring cup combine juice from 3 lemons, fresh ground black pepper and minced garlic. Whisk as you drizzle in 1/2 cup of EVOO. Store in an airtight container. This will keep in a cool place for a few weeks.

Veggie Might: Sprouted Quinoa and Mango Tabouleh

Written by the fabulous Leigh, Veggie Might is a weekly Thursday column about all things Vegetarian. She continues CHG's No-Cook Month.

Remember last week when we sprouted quinoa in glass jars with only water, cheese cloth, rubber bands, and our devotion to Not Cooking? Oh, those were giddy days. Well, this Dear Readers, is the joyous, hip-shaking result.

Quinoa sprouts are quite tasty on their own: fresh, crunchy, and a bit nutty. They have the essence of alfalfa or mung bean sprouts but retain their recognizable quinoa flavor. You can use the sprouts to top sandwiches or salads, grind them into flour for baking, cook them like any other grain recipe, or make a fabulous grain salad, like tabouleh. (Though, yes, quinoa is technically a seed.)

Tabouleh is the original no-cook grain salad, traditionally made from bulgur, which only requires a little soak before chow time. Ubiquitous in Middle Eastern cuisine, tabouleh combines parsley, mint, tomatoes, and lemon juice with the wheat. Perfect for a hot summer… time.

Using my favorite tabouleh recipe from my very first vegetarian cookbook, the Vegetarian Times Cookbook, as a jumping off point, I added a mango, tossed in a red pepper, made a couple of last minute substitutions (cilantro for mint; yellow onion for scallion). Before long, I had a colorful, vibrant dance party in a bowl.

I took the celebration on the road to share it with my good pal Miss T after our weekly gym date. (Caution: Travel with a tight-sealing container, or you too could enjoy wearing Eau de Onion et Mango to cardio class.) After one bite she said, “You better take what you want, because I will finish this when you’re not looking.”

This is another salad combo that has everything: sweet, tangy, savory, and salty. It’s light enough for a side dish and hearty enough to be a small meal. And it’s equally good using the traditional bulgur base. So if you’re intimidated by sprouting, just soak some bulgur and crank up the house music. Try it on; it’s very you.


If this recipe tipped your canoe, swim on over to

Sprouted Quinoa and Mango Salad
Adapted from the Vegetarian Times Cookbook
yields 4 servings

8.5 oz (about 2 cups) sprouted quinoa*
1/2 cup parsley, minced
1/4 cup cilantro, minced
1/4 cup yellow onion, minced
1 medium tomato, diced
1 small red bell pepper, diced
1 ripe mango, peeled and chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp sea salt
freshly ground pepper to taste

* You can easily substitute traditional bulgur wheat for sprouted quinoa. Simply soak 4 oz (a little more than1/2 cup) bulgur in 1 cup warm water for about 30 minutes. The bulgur will absorb the water, becoming light, fluffy, and ready-to-eat. (Seen below.)

1) Rinse and drain the quinoa sprouts, and place in a large mixing bowl.

2) Add parsley, cilantro, onion, tomato, red pepper, and mango to quinoa sprouts.

3) Drizzle in olive oil and lemon juice, stirring gently.

4) Add salt and fresh ground pepper to taste.

5) Chill for 20–30 minutes.

6) Serve as a side or green salad topping.

7) Get a good look because it’ll be gone in a flash.

Approximate Calories, Fat, Fiber, Protein, and Price per Serving
170.8 calories, 5.7g fat, 4.3g fiber, 2.25g protein, $.79
Bulgur Alternative
127.6 calories, 3.9g fat, 2.4g fiber, 3.5g protein, $.74

8.5 oz sprouted quinoa: 412 calories, 8g fat, 16g fiber, 8g protein, $0.96
1/2 cup parsley: 11 calories, 0g fat, 0g fiber, 0g protein, $0.25
1/4 cup cilantro: 5.5 calories, 0g fat, 0g fiber, 0g protein, $0.12
1/4 cup yellow onion: 10 calories, 0g fat, 0g fiber, 0g protein, $0.12
1 medium tomato: 22 calories, 0g fat, 1g fiber, 1g protein, $0.50
1 small red bell pepper: 5.75 calories, 0g fat, 0.25g fiber, 0.5g protein, $0.37
1 ripe mango: 85 calories, 0.6g fat, 0g fiber, 0g protein, $0.50
1 tbsp olive oil: 120 calories, 14g fat, 0g fiber, 0g protein, $0.08
2 tbsp lemon juice: 12 calories, 0g fat, 0g fiber, 0g protein, $0.25
1 tsp sea salt: negligible calories, fat, fiber, protein, $0.02
freshly ground pepper: negligible calories, fat, fiber, protein, $0.02
Totals: 683.25 calories, 22.6g fat, 17.25g fiber, 9g protein, $3.19
Per Serving (totals/4): 170.8 calories, 5.7g fat, 4.3g fiber, 2.25g protein, $.79

Bulgur Alternative (quinoa replaced with bulgur + other stats)
1/2 cup bulgur wheat: 239.5 calories, 1g fat, 8.5g fiber, 13g protein, $0.74
Totals: 510.25 calories, 15.6g fat, 9.75g fiber, 14g protein, $2.97
Per Serving (totals/4): 127.6 calories, 3.9g fat, 2.4g fiber, 3.5g protein, $.74

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

68 Cheap, Healthy No-Cook Recipes

Alas, CHG’s No-Cook month is slowly coming to an end. It’s been a joyous, ovenless journey, sweet readers, and we couldn’t have done it without the blistering sun or the stifling humidity. Thanks, Mama Nature.

Article-wise, we’ve already discussed 13 Ways to Cook without an Oven as well as 18 No-Cook Meal Ideas. This week, we’re giving you the actual recipes: 68 inexpensive, nutritionally sound dishes you can make without ever lighting anything on fire. (Hopefully.)

Each one of these links comes from either Cheap Healthy Good or my weekly Healthy & Delicious column over at (newly redesigned!) food dynamo Serious Eats. This means three things: A) we know they work, B) there are pretty pictures involved, and C) um … turns out there were only two things.

Enjoy, everybody! And as always, if you know of a really great no-cook recipe not mentioned here, please (please) add it to the comment section.

Black Bean Dip
Blueberry Salsa
Green Garlic and Garlic Scapes Pesto
Guacamole-Bean Dip Mashup
Lemony Hummus
Mango Salsa
Pesto (Don't toast pine nuts.)
Seven-Layer Taco Dip
Tomatillo and Yellow Tomato Salsa
Tomatillo Guacamole
Tomato Avocado Salsa
White Bean Dip

Creamy Caesar Dressing
Grasslands Herb Salsa
Horseradish Mustard
Lemon-Ginger Dressing
Spicy Brown Mustard
Vegan Mayo
Vegan Worcestershire Sauce

Buttermilk Cucumber Soup
Cantaloupe Soup
Fruit Gazpacho
Summertime Gazpacho

Chlorophyll and Awesomeness Salad
Chopped Salad
Grape and Feta Salad with Rosemary
Grapefruit and Avocado Salad (Skip toasting almonds.)
Relaxed Kale and Root Veg Salad
Strawberry and Avocado Salad

Autumn Apple Salads
Basil Tofu Salad
Beet and Cabbage BBQ Slaw
Black-Eyed Pea “Caviar”
Black-Eyed Pea Salad
Chickpea Salad
Daikon/Jicama Mango Slaw
Greek Antipasto Pita
Greek Salad Skewers
Greek-Style Chickpea Salad
Greek Tofu Salad
Herbed Tuna in Tomatoes
Marinated Mushroom Salad
North African-Style Chickpea Salad
Orange Yogurt
Peach, Tomato, and Basil Salad
Refrigerator-Pickled String Beans
Sprouted Grains
Sublime Fruit Salad and Mint
Summer Panzanella (Bread Salad)
Watermelon and Feta Salad with Mint
White Bean and Roasted Red Pepper Wraps with Spinach
Yellow Tomato Salad with Roasted Red Peppers, Feta, and Mint
Zucchini Carpaccio with Feta and Pine Nuts

Cantaloupe with Honey and Lime
Chocolate Cherry “Ice Cream” Popsicles
Date Coconut Balls
No-Cook Berry Crisp
Plums with Orange and Mint
Strawberries with Balsamic Vinegar
Strawberry Mousse
Tamarind-Blueberry Granita
Three-Ingredient Banana, Honey, and Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Basil Lemonade
Cranberry and Blackberry Champagne Punch
Mango Lassi
Sweet Lassi
White Sangria with Fresh Fruit Ice Cubes

Cherry Lemonade, Limeade, and White Peach Bellinis are all delicious, as well, but require simple syrup. There are ways to make it without using heat, but these three recipes all include a boiling step.

And that's it. Readers, any suggestions? We would love to hear.


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Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Garlic Rubbed Potato Skins with Lox and Chives

This recipe was born when a rep brought fresh Salmon Lox with the usual cream cheese and bagels to an inservice at the hospital last week. I literally squealed in delight! Not only fresh Lox but capers as well! If you have to be to work by 6:30 in the morning, this is the way to celebrate! I was surprised that not everyone shared my love of lox. Not only that, but I was given the wrinkled nose and upturned lips in distaste from my fellow professionals as I piled high my lovely lox and cute little capers upon my bagel. So sad. In all seriousness, in times like these when I ask people if they've ever actually tried shunned food in question, the answer is almost always, "ummm, well no, but....."

So I took the leftover Lox home with me. It's happy here where it's loved and appreciated. And, the bonus is, that I get to share this yummy recipe that I came up with in order to eat up all the lox.

Potato skins have a totally bad rap, nutritionally speaking. Potatoes and are actually super good for you! The skins especially are full of vitamins! Potatoes are low in fat, rich in several micronutrients, especially vitamin C - when eaten with its skin. Potatoes are a moderate source of iron, and its high vitamin C content promotes iron absorption. It is a good source of vitamins B1, B3 and B6 and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, and contains folate, pantothenic acid and riboflavin. Potatoes also contain dietary antioxidants, which may play a part in preventing diseases related to ageing, and dietary fibre, which benefits health.

To keep them on the healthy side, skip the butter, bacon bits and cheese, you won't miss them! To doll up your potato skins, you can use any number of herbs or spices. Try fresh basil, chives, dill, garlic, cayenne pepper, caraway seed, ground peppercorns, tarragon or thyme... did I mention garlic? ;-)

TIME active 30 minutes, cooking 90 minutes
You will need:
4 russet potatoes
salmon lox
* 1-2 heads garlic, roasted
1 cup mushrooms, diced
1/4 cup chives, chopped
2 tabelspoons fresh parsley, chopped
low-fat sour cream
sea salt
freshly ground pepper

Pierce 4 large russet potatoes with a fork.
* To roast garlic, remove skins, cut top off so that a bit of the flesh is exposed. Drizzle with a little EVOO. Cover loosely in foil. Bake potatoes and garlic directly on the oven rack at 350 degrees until tender. Remove garlic after about 20 minutes and potatoes about 1 hour.
Let cool, then cut potatoes in half, lengthwise and scoop out the flesh, leaving a 1/4-inch shell. Brush both sides with EVOO and season with salt and pepper. Turn oven up to 450F.

In a small bowl, smash the roasted cloves of garlic with a teaspoon of EVOO. Using a spoon, spread garlic inside potatoes.
Fill potatoes with mushrooms, lox chives and parsley. Bake at 450F for 10 minutes. ( If you prefer, leave the lox chilled until after potato skins are baked, then top them on potatoes.)

lemony peas recipe to follow

Lemony Petite Peas

This is a very easy, light throw together side dish. Perfect for summertime dinner.
My husband who graciously tries whatever I put in front of him, hates peas. Loathes them. So I don't make them often as a stand alone side dish, even though I love them. Anyway, he spooned some onto his plate to my surprise and took a bite and with raised eyebrows proclaimed that they were delicious! Wow!
I think that the chopped parsley and lemon make this more of a zesty little salad rather than "just peas".
We ate this with Salmon Lox potatoe skins and it complimented it perfectly.

You will need:

1 small bag frozen petite peas
1 handful fresh parsley, chopped
2 tabelspoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest

Steam peas for 3 minutes. Drain, transfer to small bowl. Toss with parsley,  lemon juice and zest.

Ask the Internet: Favorite Weird Kitchen Tool?

Today’s question comes from CHG headquarters, a multi-level high-tech complex buried deep underground in Utah. (Note: Actually, an ancient apartment building in Brooklyn.)

Q: This is the Husband-Elect’s bacon fork.

It has a single function: to flip his bacon. In his eyes, no other utensil can do the job nearly as well. If I were to ever injure, mar, or disfigure the bacon fork in any way, the world would end. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together ... mass hysteria.

Do you or your family own a similar utensil? Something with only one use, but life would be unimaginable without it?

A: Readers! This one's all you. What's your most favorite, most bizarre kitchen tool?

Want to ask the interweb a question? Post one in the comment section, or write to Then, tune in next Tuesday for an answer/several answers from the good people of the World Wide Net.

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

No-Cook Month: Watermelon and Feta Salad with Mint

NOTE #1: Hello, readers from Get Rich Slowly! Welcome to Cheap Healthy Good. It's nice to have you here. If you're looking for a good place to get to know us, this post is a good start. Thanks for visiting and enjoy!

NOTE #2: Today on Serious Eats: Zucchini Carpaccio with Feta and Pine Nuts, an excellent alternative to a green salad.

Dude. It’s watermelon season.

Last week, it went on sale for $0.39/pound, so I dragged a 13-pounder home from a supermarket half a mile away. It's been parked on my kitchen table ever since, like some giant, edible bowling ball.

Yesterday, I finally cowboyed up and gutted the thing. And now, as you can see from this picture, we have enough watermelon to fill two man-sized storage containers.

The problem is, Husband-Elect and I are but two people. True, we’re two people who really like watermelon, but we’re two people nonetheless.

Consequently, over the next week, we’re gonna have to get creative with this thing. I’m thinking Watermelon Margaritas, Watermelon Salsa, and of course, more Watermelon and Feta Salad with Mint.

I have to admit: I didn’t think dropping feta into a bowl of fruit would do much. But it adds two things: salt and creaminess, which are both unexpected and very welcome. The mint and lime provide additional freshness and lightness, which keep the dish from being murky.

Beyond that, the dish boasts three huge pluses:
  1. It takes less than 10 minutes to make.
  2. There are no mandatory ratios. You can tailor the amount of feta, melon, mint, and lime to your liking.
  3. If you’re feeling adventurous, the recipe can be expanded to include olives, red onions, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, basil, cilantro, cotija cheese, jicama, and many, many more exciting ingredients. Guidelines abound online.
Alas, there is a minus, as well. In my experience, the salad doesn’t store particularly well. The fruit juice eventually breaks down the cheese, and you’re left with a thick, fruity mess. So you gotta eat this fresh, or within a day of making it. Otherwise … to the trash, Robin. Still, it's good. And I will be eating again. Probably several times tomorrow.

And with that, readers, any suggestions for watermelon recipes? We, uh, could use ‘em right now.

P.S. All-watermelon barbecue at my house tomorrow!


If you’re thinking about making this, you might also whip up some:

Watermelon Feta Salad with Mint
Serves 1 or more.
Adapted from many, many sources, but especially Whipped.

A few cups watermelon, balled or cut into 2-inch chunks and chilled
A small block of feta cheese
A small handful mint leaves, chopped
Fresh lime juice

1) Place desired amount of watermelon in a bowl or on a plate.

2) Crumble desired amount of feta over watermelon. (The more, the better.)

3) Sprinkle mint over watermelon-feta mixture.

4) Squeeze lime over it all.

5) No. Seriously. That’s it.

Approximate Calories, Fat, Fiber, Protein, and Price Per Serving
147 calories, 6.5 g fat, 1 g fiber, 5.5 g protein, $0.79

NOTE: As this recipe is totally/completely adaptable to your tastes and preferences, I’m making up some arbitrary numbers for calculations, just to give y’all an idea of the nutrition/price breakdown. Your numbers will undoubtedly be different, so please take this as a rough guide, only.

1-1/2 cups watermelon: 69 calories, 0.5 g fat, 0.9 g fiber, 1.4 g protein, $0.26
1 ounce feta cheese: 75 calories, 6 g fat, 0 g fiber, 4 g protein, $0.37
1 tablespoon mint leaves, chopped: 1 calorie, 0 g fat, 0.1 g fiber, 0.1 g protein, $0.10
1 teaspoon lime juice: 2 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g fiber, 0 g protein, $0.06
TOTAL: 147 calories, 6.5 g fat, 1 g fiber, 5.5 g protein, $0.79

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Saturday Throwback: Food, Frugality, and Fighting Brand Loyalty

Every Saturday, we post a piece from the CHG Archives. This number is from February 2008. Those were the days, Edith.

I have a confession: cooking healthily and staying on budget remain constant struggles. Though I’m learning, and hope you’re enjoying the journey, I’m ultimately not an expert chef, dietician, or personal finance guru.

But I am a media professional. And I know a little bit about advertising. And I know that the brass ring of every ad agency in existence is brand loyalty. And I know that brand loyalty can cost a food shopper (you, me, us, etc.) a lot of cash.

Today’s article focuses on that phenomenon. What is brand loyalty? When does it start? Why is it less than great? How can it be tamed? You might find the piece a bit drier than most CHG posts (in which case, pace yourself by periodically checking into Cute Overload), but it could also be the most important one yet.

(Did that sound good? Yeah? Okay, cool. Let’s get started.)

What it is
Simply, brand loyalty occurs when a consumer uses a product or service over and over again, because A) it works for her, B) it’s habitual, and C) she’s hesitant to spend cash on the unfamiliar. For example, when I buy orange juice, it’s Tropicana, and it has been for as long as I can remember. My mom always bought it, and from what I recall, her mom did, too. I rarely purchase other brands, because it’s been imprinted on my brain (through personal experience and tons of advertising) that they won’t taste as good as Tropicana.

When it begins
One of the most eye-opening moments of my professional career occurred about five years ago, when I had a meeting in a room just used by employees of a kids television channel, whose target demographic is children between the ages of 4 and 11. One of their employees left a marketing presentation printout on the conference table. In it, kids (again, ages 4 to 11) were referred to as “consumers.” Yikes.

Like that company, many (if not most) corporations start building consumer brand loyalty from birth. (It would begin at conception if zygotes could read.) Advertisers spend billions of dollars each year to promote directly to toddlers and school-age children through magazines, television shows, movies, clothes, billboards, music, commercials, and … well, you name it. The earlier marketing begins, the more ingrained the product is, and the longer those kids will be customers.

In fact, the National Institute of Media and Family estimates that “Children as young as age three recognize brand logos, with brand loyalty influence starting at age two.” If anyone has a little girl obsessed with Disney Princesses (as many of my mom-friends do), you know what they’re talking about.

Why it costs you more
Once you become loyal to a brand, that company counts on your repeat business throughout the course of your lifetime. As a result, prices can be jacked up because it’s assumed you’ll continue to pay a premium out of allegiance. What’s more, you’ll ignore competing items, no matter what advantages they present. Wikipedia puts it best: “For example, if Joe has brand loyalty to Company A he will purchase Company A's products even if Company B's are cheaper and/or of a higher quality.”

Think of it this way: there are three types of oatmeal on sale - Quaker, McCann’s, and Generi-oats. They contain mostly the same ingredients, and are essentially the same shape, color and consistency. Quaker goes for $3 a box. McCann’s is $2 after a coupon. Generi-oats runs a mere $1.50. Since it’s habit and your dear ol’ Dad always did it, you buy Quaker without thinking twice. You’re down at least $1.50 because of brand loyalty.

Now, multiply that $1.50 by the number of items in your shopping cart. How much does brand loyalty cost you per trip? Per month? Per year?

What does this have to do with the “Healthy” part of “Cheap, Healthy, Good”?
Well, advertisers throw a LOT of resources into marketing processed food, meaning you have a better chance at becoming brand-loyal. Those products are generally less nutritious than whole foods like meats, produce, and dairy, which aren’t pushed as hard in commercials and print ads. So, not only do brand-name processed foods cost more, they can crowd fresher, healthier foods out of your shopping cart.

How to fight it
While advertising and some brand loyalty are nearly impossible to avoid, there are steps you can take to minimize their influence:

EVERYDAY LIFE: Flip off the TV. Mute commercials. Try to minimize advertising found around the home. Don’t prioritize brand names, especially in front of kids. Promote media literacy. Stress variety and try new things.

FOOD: Buy generic. Experiment with brands besides the ones you regularly use. Shop with coupons, which offer savings on a different brand each week. Use the circular, which varies discounts throughout the year. Cook from scratch. Purchase foods found around the perimeter of the supermarket. Cut back on brand-based cookbooks.

A caveat
You know what? Though they’re nearly twice the price, I find Ghirardelli chocolate chips tastier than Nestle. Inarguably, they make my cookies better. I’ve developed a brand loyalty to them. On the same note, I’m highly hesitant to switch my contact lens solution. Other products dry out my eyes, and I have an annoying habit of walking into sharp things when I can’t see.

There’s nothing wrong with brand loyalty if a product works for you, especially if you’ve tried the alternatives. It’s when that devotion is uninformed and automatic there can be an issue.

In the end
Brand loyalty isn’t catastrophic, and it won’t ruin any lives or hopes for the future (like say, smoking or riding the M Train naked). While it can be costly, both nutritionally and wallet…ally, knowing the facts and shopping smart is a stellar way of addressing concerns. If you’re interested in learning more, check out these resources:
  • provides a deeper explanation of brand loyalty.
  • For hardcore shopping statistics, there’s this article, and more from the Grocery Manufacturers of America.
  • For lots of somewhat frightening information on kids and advertising, check out the National Institute on Media and Family’s fact sheet.
(Photos courtesy of Global Package Gallery, The Wooden Porch, and Flickr member aqualilflower.)

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Focaccia Breakfast Rollups

These focaccia wraps were a very nice change from our usual breakfast. Usually we have something pretty simple, a.k.a,. fast for breakfast around here. When I do make something heartier on the weekends it's usually breakfast burritos or something of the like. I actually got this idea from a Starbuck's while Jim and I were out of town a while ago. They had a very simple, egg white, cheese ( i forget which kind) and spinach focaccia roll up. Of course these are much heartier, full of more veggies and of course way less expensive!

I was very happy with the result!
 You can't tell by looking at them, but the focaccia wraps were a very yummy change from tortillas

Ingredients:  (spinach or any of your fav veggies will work!)
Eggs, herbed feta, Leeks, mushrooms, Canadian bacon, asparagus, focaccia wraps,
 EVOO, Kosher salt, fresh ground pepper.

Putting it all together:

In a large non-stick skillet ( not teflon) heat 1 tablespoon EVOO over med-high heat.
Chop the white parts of the leeks and rinse very well in a collander.
 (leeks are roots and hide dirt in their layers)
Cut the ends off the asparagus and discard (about the bottom 1/4). Chop the remaining tops into thirds.
Add chopped bacon and asparagus to saute pan. Cook about 3 minutes.
 Add chopped leeks and chopped mushrooms. Cook 1-2 minutes more.
Meanwhile, whisk desired amount of eggs in a small bowl with 1 tabelspoon water and the feta.
Add eggs to saute pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Using a rubber spatula, slide eggs towards center of pan, working your way around.
 Transfer ingredients to a bowl.
Wipe pan clean with a paper towel. Return to heat. Lower to medium heat and add 1 tabelspoon EVOO.
* I warm my focaccia in microwave for about 10 seconds to make them more pliable.
Fill  wraps with cooked ingredients.
Fold bottom of foccacia up and then sides, making an envelope with an open top.
Gently transfer to pan, folded side down. Cook about 1-2 minutes just to seal the wrap.

* Serve with fresh fruit!

**(always eat something RAW and a MUFA before/with your meals)

I just wanted to show you the folded/sealed side, not pretty I know ;-)