Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July!

I hope all of you are having a great holiday with your friends and family.
Here are a few of the yummy things we ate at our house to get in the patriotic spirit.
We had so much fun swimming and playing and BBQing.
Today we are going to swim some more and then if the little guys aren't too cranky and it's not to hot out,
 we will go watch some fireworks!

We try to talk to our little ones about what Indepencence Day means and all of the wonderful things we have thanks to our Freedom. I've heard some great ideas about how some people teach their children about this. My favorite was to have your children write a letter to a soldier over seas telling them thank you for all that they do for us!

What do you do to celebrate the 4th of July???

I will post the recipes to these pictures very soon. I'm to busy being lazy with my family today. ;-)


We had chili-butter corn on the cob that we grilled on the BBQ

Patriotic red, white and blue watermelon boats

and of course, CAKE!
(this one is Gluten Free!) I am so excited to share this one with all of you, it was delicious!

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