Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Cool Upcycled Father's Day Gift Wrap Ideas

My husband is an amazing daddy. He is the most patient, loving and fun guy and loves to play and read and take care of our 4 children. I honestly think he could do a better job as a stay at home dad then I could as a stay at home mom..... except for maybe the cooking part, hot dogs and frozen pizza every night isn't exactly super healthy.  Another thing I adore about my husband is his humility and that he never ever complains or asks for anything, ever. He would walk on sole less shoes for months and you wouldn't know it. If he's sick, I don't know about it until it's in full swing. His patience with the kids (and me at times...) is a true model to me in how I want to be. He calms my err, vibrant personality. Type A, meet Mr. Calm, Cool and Collected. The old saying,  'Opposites attract' fits our relationship in most every way. He's my best friend, the father to my cute children and my sweetie pie.

When I asked him what he wanted to do for Father's Day this weekend, he of course immediately brushed it off and said nothing. When I pushed the matter and said we should go out or he should do something fun he said "Let's all just go swimming. Oh, and could you make your chicken tacos?" He requests my red chile shredded chicken tacos every Father's Day and for his birthday every year. They are pretty dang good and are the reason why he married me in the first place. ;)  I have yet to post the recipe oddly enough, even though they are my signature dish and friends and family continue to ask me for the recipe and swoon over them. Maybe next week, assuming I can get a decent picture.

So here is a fun and eco-friendly way to wrap your favorite dad's gift in. I love this idea, so manly and simple and everyone has used newspaper lying around right?

photo via

Happy Father's Day to all you daddy's!!!

Your guy not that into sports? No problem.
Wrap your gift in the funny paper, the crossword section,
the financial section (stocks and stuff) or the want ads. ;)

Other cute up-cycled wrapping paper ideas

photo via May Arts

Don't stop at the wrapping paper, make a cute bow as well.
Nothing says I Love You like a home made touch.

Add your own personal finishing touches.

What are you doing for Father's Day this year?

Any fun Traditions you're family does/did for your dad?

Have a great weekend!


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