Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Summer Crafts Take 2: The Secret Cave

As I've probably mentioned once or twice already, it's insanely hot here in Phoenix right now with the promise of it only getting hotter and hotter and not letting up until October. These kids get pretty cranky by the end of the day and are at each others throats and my nerves if they don't have something to keep them busy. I posted a couple of weeks ago about a few fun summer crafts and things to do to keep cool and busy. This is something we made a couple of weeks ago that was a huge  hit.

Not only do the boys love the end result, a cool dragon cave inspired by the movie  'How to Train Your Dragon'  but they were especially thrilled to be able to help paint the castle on the side of the sheet. All kids love a fun Secret Hide Away all their own. The boys pulled in their big green furry monster pillows that I made for them last year and some little blankets.

They will sit in the cave and play and read or just get away and relax from the
hectic life of 4 and 6 year olds.

My boys are really into Lego's right now and we were lucky to be handed down a complete set of them with several big Dragon's. They now sit on top of the cave 'guarding' it. If you want to make a Secret Hide Away create one to fit your child's personality or interests. It can be a princess' castle, a horse stall or a Bat Man Cave.

We used an old craft table I had in the garage and a black sheet that I already had from the a
cheap-o store to make the cave.

The boys were so excited they even dusted off the table cave top to bottom.

I used some old craft paint we had lying around to paint the castle on the side of the sheet.

I hired my mom who is very artistic to paint the castle which I printed out from a
 picture of Hogwarts Castle that I found online.

The boys had fun painting shrubbery around the castle.

Baby Mona thought it was fun to sneak into the cave with the boys.

Cut out a cave entrance, not to big cave's are supposed to be dark and scary don't ya know?

'The Reading Cave'


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