Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Arm Up Your Natural Defenses

Got the Sniffles, Allergies or Sinus Infection?

Some people say that the beginning of cold and flu season starts at the beginning of Winter. Health professionals will tell you that March is is the real flu season. I say it starts the first week of school and lasts until school lets out for the summer break!

With four kids in our home, someone always the sniffles or a cough. I'm here to save you a ton of grief not to mention Kleenex! 

Colds and the flu are caused by a virus. There are many different strains of the influenza virus' making it difficult to prevent by getting a flu shot IMO.  New strains of influenza viruses appear and replace older strains. This process occurs through antigenic drift. When a new strain of human influenza virus emerges, antibody protection that may have developed after infection or vaccination with an older strain may not provide protection against the new strain.  I can obviously not tell you whether or not you should get a flu shot, that's a personal choice based on several factors. I personally don't get one and neither do my children. I prefer first and foremost to use prophylactic (preventative) measures such as healthy eating ( lots and lots of fresh, raw veggies, fruits and plenty of water)  and being very active.

When one of us does get sick it is almost always very mild and very short-lived.  I use these wonderful ALL NATURAL products which have more than proven themselves to me over the years and honestly, I don't know how I ever lived without them! They are easy to find at grocers such as Sprouts and Whole Foods etc. and there are health and naturopathic stores popping up everywhere these days with friendly knowledgeable staff there to help you.

1. Wellness Herbal Resistance Liquid:  with Echinacea, Goldenseal & Yin Chiao complex for a super dose of Immune system support. Put a small droper full directly under tongue or mix in a small amount of water or juice.

2. Elderberry: I LOVE this stuff! It is amazing how quickly this makes us feel better when we have a bad cold! I can't say enough about this wonderful herb, just make sure you click on the link for more info! and then run out and buy some before your next cold!

3. Tei-Fu Essential Oil: This little bottle is gonna be your best friend the next time you have a stuffy nose or sinus problems. It contains pure essential oils from wintergreen, camphor, menthol and has safflower oil for skin conditioning. It smells a little like 'Vapor Rub' but much much better. Put a few drops behind your ear for immediate relief of congestion!

4. Tea Tree Oil:  I use this stuff ALL the time for so many things. It is readily available at Walgreen's, Walmart and many other places.
Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic, antibacterial, fungicide and germicide. Many people use tea tree oil for: athletes foot, cold and flu relief, oral thrush, cancar sores, cold sores, ringworm, candida, head lice, gum problems, mosquito bites, bug repellent, cockroaches, deter flees, mouth ulcers, herpes, cuts, abrasions, after shave, sunburn,anorectal or vaginal yeast infections,  unwanted body odors, acne, toe nail infections, and many other uses

5. Last but not least, lets not forget about the Neti Pot!:  You can find these at Walgreen's!
Many people myself included, with sinus symptoms from bacterial infections, allergies, and environmental irritants have turned to the Neti pot or other nasal irrigation devices, claiming that these devices alleviate congestion, facial pain and pressure, and reduce the need for antibiotics and nasal sprays. Research backs up these claims, finding that nasal irrigation can be an effective way to relieve sinus symptoms when used along with standard sinus treatments.

I have suffered from allergies my entire life and also sinus infections. They are horrible and I can tell you, drugs not only don't work but cause so many other harmful problems in your body! Did you know that when you have a " stuffed up" nose and can't get anything out from blowing, it is from irritation and inflammation of the delicate mucous membrane lining of the interior of your nose? Usually, decongestants won't solve this, In comes the neti pot! It washes out and soothes your nasal passage w a gentle saline solution.

What are you doing to prevent getting sick this year?
Do you take any supplements or use any herbs or other 'Natural' 

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