Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with Maple Syrup and Sliced Almonds

These last few weeks I have come very close to throwing in the towel in regards to making dinner. It seems like every single one of us has has been sick with a cold that just won't quit. And just when I thought it was going to get better, it started back up again with Jack today. This never ending rotation of the yuckies has really  worn on my nerves as well as my body and mind. I am tired and cranky and forgetful, my already limited patience is running out and if I have to wipe one more runny nose or listen to crying for one more second I think I might go crazy.

Trying to get everyone healthy means extra time and care in regards to what goes into our bodies. I really try not to take antibiotics unless I have a very good reason to. I took Mona to the doctor a few days ago and after a few standard test and no answer to the cause of her high fever the doctor recommended antibiotics. I feel like sometimes this is a last resort or a grasping at straws for doctors. Maybe it's because so many people demand antibiotics as soon as the sniffles arrive in hopes of feeling better within the hour. Antibiotics take a couple of days to start working and by this time, most viruses will be fought off naturally by the body. So many people think that it is the antibiotics that cured them when actually, it was there bodies natural defenses.

So when my family gets sick I take the normal precautions and go to the doctor if needed but I really try to use common sense and remember that sometimes, just sometimes, antibiotics are (over) prescribed as a means of desperate measure, prophylacticly or just to give to demanding patients what they want. In this case, I just wasn't so sure that it was antibiotics that my child needed. Even the doctor said she probably just had a cold.  So this means finding natural ways to fight off colds and infections that really work and aren't hard to find. 

Extra garlic and fruit, NO dairy or processed foods, and drinking coconut water are a few of my  trusted battle weapons when I arm up against viruses and germs. 

Eating whole foods loaded with vitamins and nutrients is also very important for your body to fight off infections. 

Sounds easy enough right? Umm, yeah, not with 4 sick and cranky kids who are wanting and needing my attention constantly and me fighting off the crud as well. Thank goodness my mom bought me a Shark steam cleaner a few weeks ago so I can sanitize this huge snot bucket we call a home. Trying to make home made soups and healthy foods is a battle right now and having everyone push their plates away while crying is not very much motivation to keep trying. How much easier would it be to just serve a boxed or a frozen dinner every night?!  Of course then I would be up all night long feeling guilty about all of the crap that is loaded in pre-made foods and the complete lack of real vitamins.

I decided that instead of serving convenient yet nutritionally void foods to my family that I would compromise and make really simple meals that were loaded with as much vitamins as possible.

This dish can't be any easier or a bigger hit with my entire family. I love that I hardly have any prep work whatsoever and that my kids fight over who gets the biggest potato. The maple syrup and sliced almonds make this seem more of a treat than a healthy dinnerSweet Potatoes are a Super Food, one of the very healthiest vegetables you can eat. They're loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

You Will Need:

4 medium sized Sweet Potatoes, scrubbed well
1/2 cup Pure Maple Syrup (not the sugary kind)
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt

Pre-heat oven to 350F. Scrub potatoes under cool water, pat dry. Pierce several times with a fork so the steam can be released while cooking. Bake for about 40 minutes until fork pierces through easily.

Carefully remove from oven and let cool for a bit. Using a towel, carefully slice open the middle of the potato being careful not to go through the bottom. Using a spoon, scrape out as much of the flesh as you can while leaving a thin layer on the inside so the skin does not collapse. Reserve skins! 

Put the scooped out sweet potato into a medium sized bowl. Drizzle with Pure maple syrup and stir in cinnamon and salt. Combine well. 

Gently scoop the mixture back into the potato skins and sprinkle with almonds. Place back into oven and cook another 12-15 minutes until the almonds are golden brown.

Serve with a big salad or other green veggie.

What is your favorite way to stay healthy or get well?

Do you believe that natural remedies can work as well or better than medication?

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