Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

Blackberry and Peach Sparkling {Camping} Sangria #SundaySupper

It's July (in case you didn't know) which means it's really. freaking. hot. here in Phoenix (in case the obvious eludes you) which means it is officially time to get the heck out of the desert (duh). I'm counting the days until we can go up north and watch the temperature gage in the car drop down into the 70's. Ahhhhhh...... Luckily, "up north" is only about 3 hours away so coolness is within our grasp and I'm not one to not grasp at opportunities when they are shoved in my face.

perfect to take camping, on a picnic or to the beach!

The correct path is the path that leads to a Sangria.......

Let's be honest for a minute shall we? I love camping, always have which may surprise some of you seeing as how I also enjoy some of the finer things in life. I love the fresh air, the nothing to do but sit and stare at the trees and the blue sky and watch the clouds slowly drift away and become sunset unimpaired by pollution and skyscrapers. I love campfires and I love snuggling in a blanket in July. I love watching my children run around in nature and make up games to play that don't involve batteries. I love watching my son's help their 4 year old sister find a fuzzy caterpillar and I love that she loves caterpillars.

How I like to spend the day camping.

All of the love and fuzzy feelings aside, camping is without a doubt a LOT of prep work and then cleaning up. Now, add 4 kids to the scenario and you can times that work by1 million. Yup, that's 25,000 x's per child, it's a scientific fact.

How my children like to spend the day camping
{this was exactly 8 minutes after I washed, dressed and did her hair for the day.}

Which brings me to sangria's. Because who the hell goes camping without a little bit of happy juice?

Sure, you could bring plain old wine or beer but wouldn't it be nice to plop down in your brand new anti gravity lounger after a long day of driving (yes 3 hours is a long drive with 4 kids and a dog) and after hours of setting up camp (yes, we tent it) and wrap a blanket around you and your sweetie an sip on a light and fruity sparkling white sangria?

I knew you'd understand.

The best part? You make this sangria by literally throwing a handful of ingredients into a big pitcher and then pour into little mason jars, chill for at least 8 and up to 48 hours while they get all kinds of better. Perfect for camping, picnics or just sitting by the pool.

So let's get to it shall we?

You will need

4-6 small Mason jars
1 bottle of dry white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc (the one pictured above, found at World Market was fantastic!!) ask your wine guy if you're not sure.
1- 1&1/2 cups peach nectar (depending on how sweet you like it)
1/2-1 cup peach flavored vodka (depending on how boozy you like it)
2-3 cups low sodium club soda (depending on how bubbly you like it)
1 heaping cup fresh blackberries, rinsed
2 large white peaches, pitted and chopped into small cubes

Mix the liquids in a large container and set aside. Place a small handful of berries and peaches into each Mason jar. Pour the liquid mixture into each jar and close. Refrigerate until ready to enjoy. These will keep in the fridge or cooler on ice for up to 4 days. Beware, the fruit gets pretty boozy the longer it sits!

 The Sunday Supper bloggers have been working hard to bring you everything you need to keep cool and snack happy this summer! Check out this roundup of everything from drinks, salads and wraps to cool desserts. A big huge thanks to this weeks host, Alaiyo from Pescetarian Journal!

Sunday Supper Movement

Brisk Beverages
Chilled Starters
Snappy Salads and Sides
Refreshing Main Dishes
Cool Confections

Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET.  Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board.

Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

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